Friday, April 19, 2013

Let the showing begin

Scotty got a call today that our house would be showing from 6:45-7:45 tonight!!!  So excited to have someone coming to look at the house!  It also started the frenzy of finding something to do and get out of the house.  Luckily Aunt Korie said we could come over and play.  I was worried with it being so late, what we would have done otherwise.  O-well, we would have made it work.  This showing also made the whole thing real.  We put a lot of thought in to putting the house on the market and I know this is the right choice for our family, but......I don't handle change well.  It gives me serious anxiety.  I worry about having to find a new house, and what if we can't find something we love and then get stuck in an apartment when we could have just stayed in our perfectly fine house.  I worry about finding new neighbors that we love.  I worry about Makenzie not starting school with all the kiddos on our street that we know (there are like 5 or 6 kids that would all start kindergarten together).  I know we will meet new kids where ever we move, but still something that I think about.  I know we will be fine, and I'm sure find the perfect house that fits our family--just makes me nervous!!
I got a much needed pedicure after work.  It was so nice to sit and relax and have some "me" time.  I ran home and did some speed cleaning.  Luckily the house was still pretty clean from getting it ready for pictures.  I grabbed Makenzie and we came back home and had dinner and then headed to Aunt Korie's house to play!

Kenzie loves jumping on the trampoline.  I can't wait until she gets hers for her birthday (hopefully we will have a backyard then to put it in)  Dallas and Makenzie are so funny to watch play together.  One minute they are fighting but then the next minute they are lovey dovey.  They are so cute.
We started the day by throwing a tantrum and flinging our self on the ground crying.  But every few seconds she would look up to see if anyone was looking at her and then snap her head back down again.  She's drama.
Yesterday, Jennifer sent me the cutest video she took of Makenzie.  She was trying to teach her to say "I love you", but it looks like Kenzie was more interested in pointing out her eyes.
I love her sweet little voice.  She is starting to talk more and more everyday.  Most things I have no idea what she is saying, but her face is so serious and she says it so matter of factly, I know she knows what she is saying.  It's so funny!!
Wish us luck that whoever looked at our house loved it and wants to put in an offer!!!  <fingers crossed>

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