Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2 year check up

Makenzie came to work with me this morning for her 2 year check up.  She did so good.  She weighs 27 pounds and is 33 1/2 inches tall.  She stood up on the scale like a big girl and let me measure her.
 She normally cries and doesn't want the doctor to look her, but today she did good.  Dr. Richardson let her hold her flash light and shine it herself, and she let her hold the stethoscope on her chest and tummy so she could listen.

She did great.  The doctor said she looks perfect.  Happy and healthy.  She did have to get 2 shots today that she wasn't that happy about.

Makenzie still goes to bed between 7 and 7:30, and wakes up about 6:30.  On the weekends she goes to bed about 8-8:30 and sleeps until she wakes up, normally about 8'ish.  She brushes her teeth every morning before school and before bed.  I let her brush for a minute on her own and then I come in and brush them good.  She does really well with it.  In the mornings after I wake her up, I take her straight in her bathroom and have her potty.  Most mornings her diaper is dry and she "tee tees" right away.  She eats breakfast and lunch and a snack at school, and takes a 2 hour nap.  I pick her up everyday around 3:30 and we head home to play.  Normally she is starving by 5:30 and we will have dinner.  She will play some more and then take a bath about 6:30'ish and our bedtime routing begins.  She is very good about bedtime and lays right down with her blanket and her music playing. 

Makenzie is adding new words and phrases everyday.  She started saying "I hold you" which is the cutest thing ever.  I'll say back, "no I hold you" and we go back and forth.  She also has added, finally, green and orange to her colors.  She just needs red and brown and she can say them all (she can identify all of them).  When she wants up to play with us, she will grab our hands and drag take us where she wants us and then pound the ground and say "seat".  She'll also tell us, "come mama, come".  It's so cute.  We've been working on her throwing and she finally has it down.  She used to throw the ball backwards every time, but now can throw pretty far forwards, with her left hand.  She is also very sensitive to other peoples feelings.  If I get hurt or pretend to cry she will come over and rub my back and say "you ok, you ok", I'll tell her "Mama's ok" and she'll repeat it "Mama's ok".  It's very sweet.  She had also changed to saying "daddy" instead of dada! 9 times out of 10 she is calling me "mommy"--I LOVE it!

Makenzie is the sweetest girl ever.  I love her more and more everyday and am so lucky to be her mommy. 

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