Monday, November 11, 2013

Just another manic Monday

Well Monday, you have done it again! It started out by last night having a wild 2 year old sleeping in bed with me!  I had laid her down at 7:40 like normal and at 9:45 she was still awake and starting to whine! I went in 3 different times and finally just brought her in bed with me. (she never does this so I didn't mind having extra snuggles) She is not the easiest to sleep with and Scotty's fan was squeaking all night, I had to pee more than normal, and she kept throwing her hand back to my head to make sure I was still there! I bribed her by saying if she went to sleep I would take her to the park after school!  She woke up this morning and the first thing she said was "I play park"! I was hoping she wouldn't remember!  Kirbydog wouldn't eat this morning and I can't do his insulin shot until I know that he is or has eaten, so I was nervous about that! I was going to take Scotty's truck because I took her seat out and washed it and it was still wet! His truck was stinky and was on freaking empty so instead I just took his seat out(which wasn't buckled in correctly) and put it in my car and left late to work! Ugh.....not how I like to start my mornings!  We were busy at work today and Miss Madison kept balling up under my right ribs so I would have to lean to the left! I love feeling her but it feels so weird!!!  After work I got a haircut, well just a trim and then headed to pick up Makenzie! When I walked in they had music on and I could see her dancing! LOL. I love watching her dance more than anything!  We headed to the park and Koko and Dallas met us there!  Dallas is so cute! I love listening to him talk and what he says--so funny!  He would go up a little tunnel and then pull Kenzie up because she couldn't make it on her own! Or he would push her from the bottom! Sweet cousins!

They are very sweet playing together!  We came home and cooked dinner and had bath and played for a little while and went to bed with no issues--thank goodness! I pulled out all her summery clothes and shoes out of her closet and now I have room to shop some more!! FUN!

Other randoms:

Madison's bedding ships tomorrow! I emailed the lady making it today that I was so excited that we just had 10 more days left (it was set to ship on November 21st) and she replied back that she finished it today and that it is gorgeous!  Yea!!! I can't wait to see it!!!

Makenzie has been working on holding up 2 fingers! For the longest time when you ask her how old she is she will just hold up one finger on each hand and say 2, it works but we've been practicing!!  The other day in the car I saw her in my rear view mirror trying to get her two little fingers up! She had them up but her pinky finger was sticking up too! She would fold it down with her other hand but it would slowly come back up again! Her little face would get so frustrated and she would say "down" and tuck it down again!  She finally got it though and was so proud!!

Fingers crossed that I pass my gestational diabetes test tomorrow! I have my test and appt at 4 and I start my 3rd trimester tomorrow!  She'll be here before we know it!!

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