Thursday, December 5, 2013

30 Weeks

How Far Along: 30 weeks   10 weeks to go!!!

Size of baby: She's almost 17 inches long and almost 4 pounds.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +17 

Maternity Clothes: Full on maternity clothes. 

Gender: GIRL  Madison Grace Smith

Movement: Baby girl is so active.  She has been kicking and rolling so much.  I can see my stomach moving around like crazy.  She has knocked things off my tummy that I had resting on it.  So fun to see.

Sleep: I've been sleeping really good at night but I'm still so exhausted all day, and by the time I get home from work--I'm DONE.

What I miss:  Snuggling my girl and picking her up.  I have run out of a lap for her to sit on.  She always wants to sit on my lap, but there is just no room.  Bless her heart, she's so used to me picking her up and doesn't understand why I can't lately.  The doctor told me to limit lifting weight to around 25 pounds.  Makenzie weighs more than that and it's hard to pick her up now.

Cravings: I have had a sweet tooth lately.  Bring on the ice cream!  Orange sherbert is heaven. 

Best Moment This Week: Korie painted Madison's room.  It looks so good.  All that's left is the tree above her bed and then I can get everything set up!!

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