Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Catch up post

I went back to work today.  I felt better today, but still felt off when I was up walking a lot.  My job is hard while pregnant.  It's constant walking--taking patients back and forth, running tests, giving shots, drawing blood, holding fighting kids down.  I've decided I'm not going to rush around anymore.  When I'm tired, I'm sitting--they have to understand that.  After work I had my 36 week check up.  I was nervous all day that he was going to "check" me....thank goodness he didn't.  He said everything looked good and told me to stop stressing.  (I had told him I was nervous and stressing about everything.  That I feel like a time bomb just waiting to go into labor and blowing off symptoms due to having a high pain tolerance.  He said babies don't just fall out and I would know if I went into labor and it will be fine.)

I picked Kenzie up super late from school and she was starving so we pulled through Chick fil A.  She has started repeating me while I'm placing my order.  It makes me laugh so hard I can barely get through my order.  I need to video her next time we pull through--it is so funny.  We came home and played and then went to organize some stuff in Madison's closet. 
She was so funny.  She has been saying that all her clothes are "coot".  She's so sweet.  (The first half of this video is of her pooping right when I turned the camera on and her saying "I poop mama", but I cut that part out--lol)

Kenzie said her first cuss word Sunday night.  We were watching the Golden Globes and someone said "yeah b****".  I didn't hear it and Scotty giggled so I asked what he said and he repeated it.  So did Kenzie.  She said it over and over.  Scotty and I just looked at each other and but we never laughed (where she could see it at least) or told her no, just ignored it.  She finally quit saying it.  It's so weird seeing her sweet, precious mouth say a dirty word.  Thankfully she hasn't said it again!!

The other day when I picked Kenzie up from school she had picture proofs in her bin for me to look at.  The school had a company come in and dress them up and take their pictures.  I could die from the cuteness. 

 Her teacher said she was the best one in the class and let them dress her up and posed perfectly for her pictures.  She's such a little ham.  I've emailed the company to try and purchase the vintage pose but I can't get them to email me back.

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