Monday, June 2, 2014

Whirlwind week

We have been busy little bees lately!  Last week was all about keeping the house clean and ready for showings!!! We had a few showings, one of which showed up without any notice!  I answered the door half dressed, thinking it was Korie, to find an agent and couple coming to look at the house!  They were super nice and said we could stay but it was so akward!!  Friday my neighbor took some pictures of the girls!!

Saturday we packed up and headed out so the house was vacant for showings!  We stopped for Starbucks,
And then went and fed the duckies!  Kenzie had a blast!  If only she were a little quieter she may have actually been able to come close to the ducks!  That girls is so loud!!  They ran off scared for their lives!

Madi goose just smiled the whole time!!
Such sweet girls!  We headed to Bebe's house and went shopping!  I got some really cute stuff for the new house, fingers crossed that we get it!!  The relator called and said she had someone that really wanted to look at the house but didn't have anyone to show it, so I volunteered to show it to him, assuming he wasn't a crazy person!!  I totally sold him on the house and he called his relator and told her he wanted to move forward!!!  Yay!!
Sunday morning I got out and ran some errands and then we hung out and played all day!  Kenzie has been playing restaraunt with us and will cook us food and feed us!  The little conversations she has are so adorable!
We headed out for a late lunch after naps!  I started to feel bad and figured it was just me being dehydrated!  I got some water and ate and felt better! When we headed home I felt bad again and just wanted to crawl in bed!

We got a call from the relator who said the guy that loves our house wanted to come back with his relator and see the house again! SERIOUSLY?  We parked and waited across the street for an hour while he was in there!  I ended up getting "sick" and actually felt better!  Not sure what all that was about! Thank goodness I had a potty in the back of my car because Kenzie peed twice while we were waiting!  We finally got to come home and did a mad dash with baths and off to bed we went!  Today we got the call that we got a contract on our house!  Our relator is still waiting on the specifics of the contract but did know that it was full asking price!!!  AWESOME!!! The girls were so cute when we got home today!  Kenzie wanted to hold Madi all afternoon!
Madi wants to sit up so bad!  She will always pull herself up when she is laying down!  She is getting pretty good at sitting by herself!
She will only stay up for a second and then topples over but she's getting there!!!  We got another call from our relator today that said we got another offer on the house!  We will have the specifics in the morning and then can pick which one is better!!

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