Thursday, August 7, 2014

Madison is 6 months old

Where did these last 6 months go??  She is getting too big too fast.  Madi is still the happiest baby ever.  She is always smiling and in a good mood.  She goes with the flow and is the most easy going baby.  We are so lucky.
She is wearing mostly 6 month or 6-9 month clothes, but she can wear a few things that are 3-6 months.  I haven't put shoes on her so I have no idea what size shoe she wears.  She is still in a size 2 diaper, but I'm pretty sure she is ready to move up.  I just want to finish out the 2's that I have.  
We started solid foods this past month.  She loves them.  It started off a little rocky but then she decided it wasn't so bad.  She has had sweet potatoes, green beans, bananas, peaches, pears, and squash.  I tried giving her peas a few times but she WAS NOT having it.  I'm going to wait and try again in a few days.  She typically will have a bottle around 6'ish, or if I can hold her off until I drop her off at Ashley's she will eat it there.  Ashley gives her rice cereal mixed with a fruit for breakfast, and then for lunch she will have a veggie and then I give her a veggie around 5'ish.  She is still drinking 6 ounces and normally has about 4 bottles a day.  I added some cereal to her bottle before bed tonight to see if that holds her through the night.  She has been waking up hungry.  
Madi is a pretty good sleeper.  On a good morning I get her up about 6:15 and Scotty gets her changed for the day and we head out to Ashley's house.  Some mornings she wakes up between 5:30/6 on her own and wants her bottle then.  We just switched her to two naps a day.  She will take one in the morning and one around 2.  She is rubbing her eyes and sleepy by about 7:30 or 8 and goes down for the night.  She will occasionally wake up and wants her paci put back in, but for the most part she is great sleeper.  
We still call her "Goose" a lot.  I hardly ever just say Madison or Madi.  It is normally Madi-Goose, and Makenzie only calls her that.  She still gets Goosey, The Goose, Goosey Goo, and Fatty Madi.  She is so cuddly and loves to snuggle up next to you.  I love it when she puts her hands on both sides of my cheeks and stares at me.  She has the sweetest giggle ever and is very ticklish under her neck and on the inside of her chubby thighs. 
She has completely mastered sitting up.  I can walk away from her now if she is sitting on the floor and not worry about her toppling over. (I don't do this though)  I have seen her trying to get her knees up under her when she's on her tummy, but poor kid doesn't get much tummy time at home.  Ashley says she gets lots of it at her house though.  I expect she will be crawling within the next few weeks.  
Madison is obsessed with her sister.  She is by far her favorite.  Her eyes are always looking in her direction and anytime Makenzie is near she is reaching to touch her or smiling and laughing at her.  I love love love seeing them interact together.  I can't wait to see their bond form and strengthen.  We are so in love with our squishy Madi Goose and couldn't imagine our family without her. 

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