Saturday, September 13, 2014

Madison is 7 months

Time got away from me this month and I'm a week late posting her 7 month pictures.  Things have been so crazy unpacking and going out of town.  I also lost her monthly stickers somewhere in the chaos, so poor girl will have one month without until I order some new ones.

 This past month has been so fun.  She is so active and animated.  She cut her second tooth while we were on vacation and she looks adorable with those two little teeth.  She wants to be on the go so bad but just can't quite figure out how to crawl.  She will bounce up and down when she is sitting like she wants to go.  I will put her on all fours and she will stay like that for awhile and then will lay flat on her tummy, stinker.  We've been putting her in her jumper and I've seen her bounce around in it a few times.  She mostly focuses all her attention to her big sister.  Wherever she is, that's where Madison is looking.   It's so cute.  She will just giggle if Makenzie even looks at her.  Her big sissy is still her favorite person by far.
She has started babbling a lot this week.  It's mostly "lala" but freaking "dada" has come out a lot.  I always correct her and say "it's MAMA" but she just laughs.  She has the sweetest voice and giggles.  I can't wait to her what she has to stay.
Since losing weight when she was sick, she seems so tiny to me.  I've been trying to fatten her up.  She typically will drink 4-5 bottles a day and each one is anywhere from 5-7 ounces.  She is also getting 3 jars of food a day.  She loves eating from the spoon.  I started giving her puffs to chew on but she hasn't quite figured those out yet and most of them come back out on her chin.  She is still in a size 2 diaper and I don't see her outgrowing them anytime soon.  She fits a 6 month outfit the best, but I have to do 6-9 month pajamas because she is too long for the 6 month.  I've been putting socks on her lately because she rubs her toes together so much, and so hard, that she has rubbed a boo boo on her toe.
She finally got her crib back in her room and she sleeps much better in it versus her pack n play.  She will normally have her last bottle for the night about 7:30 and is in bed around 8.  I had to sleep train her all over again last week.  She was waking up every time her paci came out of her mouth and was wanting to eat in the middle of the night.  I finally just turned down the monitor and let her cry it out a little.  Before we moved around so much, she was sleeping all night.  It took 3 nights of her crying a little at night before she was back on schedule.  Now she puts herself back to sleep and doesn't wake up at all.  When I lay her down in bed she will immediately roll over on her side and snuggle her blanket.  I guess we are going to have another blanket obsessed kid.

Madison is such an easy baby.  She is always smiling and happy and just goes with the flow.  We are able to do just about anything or go anywhere and not worry about how she will do.  I have noticed a little bit of separation anxiety episodes.  She pretty much likes to see me at all times, unless she is with her sister.  When we get home in the afternoons, I will sit her in the playroom with some of her toys around her and Kenzie will stay in there and play with her, and her toys, while I get all my stuff inside and put away.  Her big sister is so good with her and so gentle.  It makes my heart happy to see the relationship that is building between them.

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