Monday, September 28, 2015


Monday morning we were up bright and early and headed to breakfast.  The best view ever from our table.  The girls loved looking out the window while we ate.

After breakfast we changed into our bathing suits and hit the pool.  The girls had so much fun swimming and then we went upstairs and played at the water park for awhile.

We went back to our room for naps and then got ready for elegant night for dinner.  I was super excited to see the girls in their matching dresses.  They looked ADORABLE!!!

The last 2 pictures are actual prints that we purchased and I haven't scanned them yet so these are just pictures I took of them with my phone.  When we got back to our room after dinner the girls were excited to find an elephant wearing their daddy's sunglasses.
We took the girls to Camp Carnival later that night.   They offer a "baby sitting" service from 10p-1am.  We were able to go to the comedy club and then play in the casino for a little while before we picked them back up.  Makenzie and Madi were the only 2 still awake and running around like crazy at 1 when we came to pick them up.  We talked Kenzie into sleeping in her "magic carpet princess Jasmine" bed that night and she LOVED it.

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