Friday, March 8, 2013

Good news/Bad news

Good news--Makenzie is feeling better!!! 
Bad news--She passed it to her Mommy, boo!!
Good news--We went to the park after work!!
Bad news--Makenzie did a cartwheel off the top of the stairs......
Good news--after a few tears, she couldn't get back up the stairs fast enough!!
Bad news--Mommy is scarred now and terrified of her playing at the playground!!

After work, I had a doctor appt, then went to Office Depot to print those dang tags onto cardstock.  Then I ran to get my car inspected, and found I had nails in my tires that they took out and plugged for me. I went home and emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it and then went and grabbed Makenzie.  It was such a pretty day that I figured we should go let off some energy at the park.  When we pulled up, Aunt Korie and her crew were there, so we spent the evening playing with them too.  We had played here a few weeks ago at Dallas' birthday party, so Makenzie knew what to do. She would climb up the stairs and then go to the tall slide and go down.  She climbed up one time and missed the rail to hold onto and did a cartwheel off the top step.  All I saw were hands and feet cartwheeling off the side and splat into the wood chips.  I was so scared she broke something.  She whimpered a little, and I picked her up and checked for broken bones. The whole time she is pushing off of me trying to get down so she could go back up the stairs.  I noticed some scratches on her forehead and on her tummy. I was a nervous wreck.  She had a blast and wore herself out.  We went home and ate chicken nuggets and macaroni--dinner of champions. She sat on the potty chair, but didn't do anything, then bath and bed!!!

she fell off the side of the 3rd step (where her head is)

battle wounds

sassy in the bathtub

surprised face

side eyes

happy girl

Jennifer sent me a picture today of Makenzie helping her do laundry.  She does the same thing for me at home.  When I'm putting clothes into the washer, she will pick out clothes from the laundry basket and hand them to me and say either "thank you" or here go".  I can't quite tell but I think it's "thank you".  Every time she hands them to me I say thank you, so I think she has caught on.  It's really cute.

helping sort laundry

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