Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Monday-Wednesday (I can never come up with clever blog titles)

Monday started out with a bang.  Madison was the fussiest she has been in a long time.  Of course I didn't know that until we left to go run some errands before gymnastics.  She cried the whole car ride and the whole time we were shopping and continued her fit at gymnastics.  The lady at the front desk came out in the hallway where we sit to tell me that Makenzie was being moved up to the next level AND asked me to take Madi outside because she was disrupting class......She better be glad she is cute because I was so mad at her!!
Kenzie did awesome in class today and mastered her back roll.  Her teacher was very impressed.  We went home and I laid Madi down for a nap and Kenzie and I played.  She woke up in a little better mood.  Her sitter Sarah came over to watch her while Kenzie and I went to cheer.  She wasn't happy at all. After cheer I dropped off Kenzie and  headed to the gym.  I got in a really good leg workout and could barely walk when I left the gym.  Tuesday morning we were up and out the door early.  We picked up donuts and then headed to a new park that opened in our town.

We had a picnic and then played for a little over an hour.  We had a "cool" front move in and it was actually nice that early.  The park is covered and really nice and the girls had so much fun.  We had a few errands to run on the way home and then made lunch and then all piled in my bed and took a nap.  I love these rare times where Madi falls asleep on me and we get to snuggle.  Kenzie didn't take a nap of course but she was quiet at least.  Cheer practice went really good later that night.  Us coaches sat down and watched the girls do their cheers for us and they did pretty good.  They are starting to remember them better and are looking pretty good.

They haven't learned their dance yet so instead they are going to do a cheer at half time and then do the whip and nae nae.  Oh lord help us.
I dropped Kenzie off after practice and went to the gym and did a little bit of arms and back and then did a lot of abs and cardio.  My wireless headphones died halfway through so that was fun doing sprints while reading closed captioning on the T V.  This morning we were lazy and went and got Starbucks and breakfast in our jammies.  Scotty was off and we spent the rest of the morning cleaning.  The girls rooms have been cleaned from top to bottom now.

If only they would stay that way.  Scotty did the kitchen and our bedroom while I dusted the living room and mopped.  The refrigerator repair man came by to "fix" the fridge.  I feel like he's a part of the family by now. A friend of mine teaches some classes at a gym and has been wanting me to come and do one so I finally gave in and went tonight.  Holy cow!  It was intense but so much fun.  I miss group classes like that.  They push you to keep going and it was different than my normal routine which was nice to mix it up.
I am wore out now.  I am going to do another class of hers in the morning and then we have a skating play date planned.  

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