Monday, August 10, 2015

Time for your check up

If you didn't sing my blog title like the DocMcStuffin song then you don't have a toddler!!  Both girls had their check ups today!  I woke up late and had to rush to get everyone ready and out the door!  Kenzie did amazing and Madi screamed the WHOLE time!

Kenzie is healthy and perfect!  She weighs 38 pounds (75%) and is 39.24 inches tall (38%).  She got her blood pressure, hearing and vision checked for the first time and had to get 2 shots!  She cried for a minute and then was done!

I didn't get any pictures of Madi during her check up because I had to hold her down the whole time!  She weighs 20 pounds 6 ounces (21%) and is 30.5 inches tall (13%).  Her doctor was happy with her weight gain and said she was perfect!  Luckily she didn't have to get any shots this time!  Afterwards I took them to Build a Bear as a treat!

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