Monday, October 28, 2019


When we were deciding to move, a big factor was being able to put in a pool.  We knew we wanted this lot, with this yard and already had big plans for it.  We met with a few pool companies and ultimately picked out this design.  We are so excited to get started and swim.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Halloween festivities

We had fun doing lots of Halloween things this month.  The girls built haunted gingerbread houses.  (If you aren't pre-hot gluing your houses together, you are doing it all wrong)  Landon....well entertained himself playing in my pumpkin.

The Hogans came over and we painted and melted crayons on pumpkins.  They turned out super cute.

 Scotty and I took the kids to a pumpkin patch.  It's really cute and they had a lot of fun.  We played in the pumpkins, went on a hay ride, fed the animals in the petting zoo, did a hay maze and a train ride.

 Madison painted a shirt in class to wear on her field trip.  They were going to a pumpkin patch the day after Halloween.
 We went on a family date to dinner and then had ice cream afterwards.

We took the kids to 2 Halloween carnivals the Sunday before Halloween.  The kids had a great time and got so much candy.  The carnival we have gone to every year since Kenzie was itty bitty got canceled this year due to rain. 

 That night we carved pumpkins.  The kids weren't real sure how they felt about the pumpkin guts but we pushed through and got them done.  I didn't even get a picture of the final products.

Monday, October 14, 2019

October catch up

I am behind 2 months on blogging.  (but I am going to backdate this for printing reasons) My computer has been messed up and not letting me download my pictures from my phone onto the computer.  Then my external hard drive wasn't working and I can't get the app to load on my phone.  I finally got things figured out and have a lot of catching up to do.  October was a busy month for us.  Kenzie played lots of volleyball and her team did great.  They made it to the playoffs and got the "VIP" award at the end of the season party.  I am so proud of her.  The littles enjoyed cheering her on too. 

 I made them run some errands with me after a game one day and half of them were not thrilled.
 Our neighborhood had a big fall fest that we went too.  The kids played some games and rode a few rides.  Kenzie and Rylee took Landon on the pirate ship and he loved it.  Kenzie was so sweet and protective of him.  She kept her arm in front of him the whole time.

 The next day Scotty worked with Madison on riding her bike with no training wheels.  I went for a jog and when I came home she was riding it all by herself.  I couldn't believe it.

She was so excited to throw away her training wheels!  I'm so proud of her and how hard she worked and how determined she was!