Saturday, October 3, 2015

Cooler temps finally

Thursday morning Scotty took Makenzie to school and Madi and I got to sleep in.  I started feeling a little bit better but still not 100%.  I cleaned house for awhile and then Madi and I got to crafting.

 After being covered in glitter from head to toe I think it turned out cute!!!  We almost walked out of the house still in our jammies to go pick sister up, but I caught it and we finally got dressed for the day.  I decided to keep us home from cheer practice because Kenzie came home not feeling home very good.   The weather was AMAZING so we did go out to play for a little bit after dinner.

 Playing outside mostly consists of, "mommy watch this" or "wanna see me do this trick", or "are you watching", or my favorite "I don't see your eyes watching me mommy".  She is really into practicing her toe touches and I think she is doing great.  Friday I put on my first crock pot dinner of the fall season.  I love having dinner started in the morning and know I don't have to do anything later. We built blanket forts in the living room and they brought all their babies in there and we watched cartoons and ate snacks in there.

We had doctor appointments to get our flu shots but I went ahead and had Kenzie seen since she just hadn't been herself lately.  She has strep.  I knew it!!  I told Scotty the night before that I bet she had strep based off of how she was acting.  I always know her "strep-attitude".  She went ahead and treated Madison too since her throat looked red and that is probably why she threw up in the car and she hasn't been eating all week.  She didn't do the test on her because this was the first visit that Madison willingly opened her mouth for her to look at and didn't cry not one time during her exam.  She didn't even cry for her flu shot.  Maybe we are passing this stage finally.  (she did lose 2 pounds since her 18m check up...WTH)  When Bebe got off work she came over to spend the night so we could go garage sale'ing the next morning.  We were waiting on her outside and the girls were picking flowers to give to her.  We went outside to play for a bit and enjoyed the cooler weather!!  Bebe snuck under the trampoline and the girls couldn't find her.  It was so funny watching their faces when she would push up the trampoline under them.

This morning we snuck out of the house before the girls woke up and went garage sale'ing.  I haven't been to a garage sale without the kids in forever.  It was so fun.  We got some really good stuff but my big score was a full size (12x12) Cricut machine for $20......I am so excited.  I have been using mine a lot lately and have been getting frustrated not being able to make things as big as I want/need and now I can!!!  We picked the girls up so Scotty could go to work and did a Target run and stopped for lunch on the way home.  Bebe headed home and we all snuggled up and took a nap together!!  I'm not going to lie, naps are probably my favorite part of staying home now!!  Just kidding--kind of!  I took the girls outside to play for a bit.  It felt fantastic outside today!!!
Tomorrow I am going back to the gym and getting back into my routine.  Vacation is over and I am feeling better.

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