Sunday, May 26, 2013

Back to "normal"

Things have been looking better in the Smith household.  Makenzie is doing much better and has only had a few "mild" tantrums and has even calmed herself down pretty quickly.  Friday night we were going to eat with Jessica and Eric when Scotty got home, but Makenzie started in right when we got home, about 5:30 and was still going crazy when Scotty got home.  This is the first tantrum he has gotten to see (he's worked late all week).  I think it freaked him out.  He even mentioned taking her to see a doctor.  He was able to calm her down by taking her outside and playing on the swing set, after we canceled our dinner plans.  Saturday morning I had a few errands to run and decided to be brave and bring Makenzie.  I have been so nervous about taking her anywhere, not knowing how she would act.  We went back to the nail salon to have a few toes touched up.  I had gone Friday before I picked Makenzie up and must have smudged a few.  She did great so we ventured out to the next stop.  We went to Claire's to get some earrings and then to Target.  NO TANTRUMS.  She was actually funny and really good.   We had to run back home and drop off some groceries and headed back out for a few more stops and then went to Mimi and Papa's house.  She kept saying papa the whole time we were out.  Every time I picked up my phone she said Papa, I guess thinking I was going to call him.  We played there for awhile and then Me, Kenz and Mimi headed to Babies r Us to look for a new diaper bag.  She fell asleep before we were even off Mimi's street.  I ended up getting a new bag--I love it!!! We stayed at Mimi and Papa's until about 6 and then headed home.  She LOVES them so much!!

Sunday we slept in.....until 7:30 haha!!  My wonderful husband stopped up the toilet so we spent our morning plunging and flushing and plunging and flushing--nothing worked.  We quit and got ready to go to brunch and do a little shopping.  Makenzie looked so freaking cute today.  I did her hair in piggy tails with bows.

We went to Primo's and then to Firewheel.  I got some great stuff on sale at Old Navy--6 shirts for $30, I never buy myself anything so I was pretty excited!!!  We stopped off at Jessica and Eric's on the way home.  Makenzie had fallen asleep and stayed asleep on my almost the whole time we were there, even getting her out of the car and walking up stairs.  (Jessica is 35 weeks pregnant and fell down the stairs Saturday and luckily only sprained her ankle--thank god.  I brought her my boot to try and see if it helped)  We came home and went after the toilet some more.  Scotty got a toilet-snake-thingy and made a face time call to my dad.......

it worked!!!  Yay!!  The only good thing that came from this was that it made me clean the bathroom!!!  All in all it was a wonderful weekend. 

Her new big thing is to say "cheese" every time she sees me get my phone out.  Her "cheese" face isn't exactly the smile that I want in my pictures, but it's still cute.
 This is her "cheese" pose for a picture!!

She was singing Twinkle Twinkle in the car today and I tried to be sneaky with my phone to video her.....she caught me!

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