Monday, May 13, 2013

First day of "school"

<tear> My baby started big girl school today!!  We decided that she should start going to a school and begin working more on colors, and shapes and her vocabulary! We love Mrs. Jennifer and I know Makenzie missed her today!  We got up a little earlier than normal and got her dressed and packed her little back pack!

 I carried her into the room where they eat breakfast and sat her down in a little chair! She definitely looked a little scared and confused but she sat there! The teacher, Xenia, brought her a bowl of Cheerios and milk and I gave her a bite to show her she like it! (She has never eaten Cheerios with milk in it, let alone spooned it herself). 

I kissed her and told her I was going to fill out paperwork and would be back later! I never heard her cry--just my own crying in the hallway!  I went back and peeked through the door before I left and she was sitting there looking around, still not crying!  I called about 10:30 to check on her and they said she was doing good! She didn't eat much breakfast, and during story time she climbed up in the teachers lap instead of sitting on the floor--lol. I felt better hearing that! I raced to the school as soon as I got off to pick her up! When I walked into the room her and some others were looking out the windows and she was squealing and laughing!!  I said "Kenzie Lou" and she turned around and said "Mama" and ran and jumped in my arms smiling and laughing! Best part of my day! Nothing tops the feeling of seeing pure happiness on your child's face, especially when it's when they see you!! Her teacher said she napped for about an hour and that was great for her first day! She has never slept or napped outside of her crib(or pack in play at Jennifer's) so I was very worried about how that would go over! We came home and went swimming with Aunt KoKo(she has been calling her that) and Dallas and Arielle! She had a blast but the water is still super cold!  

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