Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stormed in

We have been having awful weather around here lately.  Oklahoma had horrible tornado's on Monday....demolished a whole town.  It's so sad.  Yesterday, we were projected to have violent storms pop up around 2'ish.  I think everyone was extra sensitive from the situation in Oklahoma, because schools started closing and canceling after school activities.  That never happens around here.  I, of course, freaked out.  I had this awful vision of Makenzie having to take cover at daycare, and the teachers, having stronger bonds with the kids that have been longer, protecting them first and my poor girl having to fend for herself.  I know that would not happen and she would have been fine, but I still wanted her with someone we knew.  Scotty went and picked her up before nap and brought her home to nap until Aunt Koko got home and then he took her to hang out with her.  I watched the radar all afternoon and headed home a little after 3.  It was mostly just heave rain and wind.  I did see some flooding on my way home, but all in all it wasn't too bad.  
This is Kenzie (can barely see her little head at the top right of the picture) last year taking cover in Mrs. Jennifer's bathtub during a tornado outbreak.

She had a blast hanging out with Aunt Koko and Dallas.  When I got there we colored with crayons on a big poster board, and markers--Koko is brave.  We attempted picking up pipe cleaners, excuse me "Chenille sticks", and putting them in a pot--but my daughter was in mid temper tantrum--a whole post about that later, Dallas did very good at it though.  I made us some sloppy joes while they had a band with spatulas and pots and we all ate as a big family (with no husbands).  After dinner the kiddos had pop sickles in the bathtub and played for awhile. 

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful sister in law (and nieces and nephew) so close and who care about me and my family so much!!!  I felt so much better having Makenzie there safe with them!!!  The plan was just to stay through the storm, but we had 2 showings on the house.  We haven't had any showings in almost 2 weeks and then we get 2 showings in one day in the middle of an awful storm.  The last one was from 6-8pm which is right in the middle of our dinner, bath, and bedtime routine--not great for us.  It was nice to be able to stay at Korie's house and do dinner and bath there and bring her home in a pair of Dallas' pajamas and put her strait to bed!!! 

This silly girl cracks me up (and her crazy aunt laughing in the background)....singing "baby got back"

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