Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I am so blessed to be a mommy to my sweet girl.  She is such a blessing to me.  I woke up to sweet cards and a necklace with "Makenzie" engraved in it.  It is beautiful--I love it.  Scotty cooked out fajitas and we had the whole family over.  Grandma and Grandpa came over (Scotty's mom and dad) and Mimi and Papa (my mom and dad).  Lunch was amazing, but even more amazing was getting to spend the day with our parents.  Makenzie had a blast having all of her grandparents over and it was so nice to hang out as one big family. 

It was a wonderful day.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful mother to look up to.  I hope I can be  even half as good a mommy to my children as she is to me.  I look up to her more than she will ever know.  And....Makenzie finally said Mimi.  She wanted a chip and Mimi said "say Mimi" and clear as day she said "Mimi", of course after she got her chip she wouldn't say it again.  Stinker.  I think she is doing it on purpose.

(I made these with Makenize to give to her grandparents.  Of course I had to have one too!!)

Yesterday we got a call about a showing on our house and had to be our in about 30 minutes.  We rushed and got everything straitened up and us out the door  and headed out to go shopping.  Mimi met us and we ran a few errands. Makenzie and I came home so she could nap, but instead we had to leave again for another showing.  Ugh.  I'm glad the house is showing, but it's very annoying to have to leave in inconvenient times.  Oh well, such is life when selling your house.  We packed up and headed to Mimi's house.  Papa and uncle Momo were laying down a new floor at their house so Makenzie wasn't able to nap there either.  Instead we went and played in the backyard.  She "helped" Mimi plant some flowers, and then played in the hose and stomped around in a little pool Mimi has.  It was a wonderful afternoon.  We came inside and gave her a warm bath. (poor thing- the water outside was freezing but she didn't seem to care at all.  She has such a good Mimi.  She went inside and brought out pitchers of warm water to pour into her pool.  See....that's why she's such a great mom/Mimi)  She was such a little ham at dinner.  She kept holding her cheeks and smiling real big.  She also has added "juice, pretty, blue, yellow, purple, orange, red, pink, and buckle" to her vocabulary.  When we came home from our vacation she was talking up a storm.  She adds mama to everything.  "Juice mama" "Buckle mama"(when I'm putting her in her car seat)  It's so cute. 

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