Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

First and foremost--Thank you to everyone who fights, or has fought for our country!  Today we celebrate you.  

It was just me and Kenzie today and we had a great day! I'm not sure what got in me, ok--yes I do it was emerge(energy booster, fate burner, mood enhancer and appetite suppressant--pretty much speed! I love it) I woke up and cleaned the whole house! I mean EVERYTHING! I dusted(even the blinds), vaccumed, mopped and organized every cabinet in the whole house! This week would be the perfect time to have showings on the house!! All of this was done before noon, and with a 21 month old running around "helping"! We went to Walmart to grab a few groceries for the week and then came back home for lunch and a nap! While she slept I finished doing a few things that I couldn't do while she was awake--mop the kitchen and hall way. She slept for about 2 hours and then we played the rest of the afternoon! We played with her sticker book--she was actually really good at putting the stickers were they were supposed to go!

I got dinner prepped and in the oven, and we went outside to play while it cooked! She loves to pick all my flowers!! Then she found a ladybug crawling on the brick! She wanted to pick it up but I was afraid she would smash it so I got it and put it on her tummy! She didn't know what to think at first, but then she loved it! I put it on the ground and she followed it all over the driveway until it finally flew off!

Im glad to see my love of ladybugs has rubbed off on her!!LWe came back inside and ate dinner--pot pie, spinach and macaroni (of course).  She ate really good and I only had to bribe her with "cheese" a few times! For dessert I gave her strawberries and whip cream! She LOVED it! She ate the whip cream one finger at a time!

I love the bottom right picture of her shoveling it in her mouth! Little piggy!!

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