Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Family night

Makenzie has been doing awesome at school.  Her teacher says she is the friendliest kiddo in the class and giggles non stop.  She hasn't been eating her lunch all that great, but I think it's because I haven't really let her use the spoon/fork on her own and I know that Jennifer would feed her when she was over there.  At school they have to feed themselves.  She said when they have chicken nuggets or fish sticks she picks them up and eats fine, but they had chicken and rice casserole and she wouldn't scoop it with her spoon.  At dinner time I have been letting her use her fork and helping her to "stab" at her food and showing her how to scoop things with her spoon.  She's getting better at it.  They are impressed about how easily she caught on to the napping.  She said they will lay down and suck her thumb and look around at everyone until she falls asleep.  They last 2 days she has slept the full 2 hours.  I ordered her a nap mat off ETSY and it came in today.  I opened it so she could see it and she laid right down and covered up with the blanket. 
It even has the rosette blanket attatched like the ones Mimi makes her.  She has to have it to go to sleep

Her's of course says Makenzie on it, I borrowed her stock photo.  It is adorable.  I'm bringing it with her tomorrow.  They send home a paper everyday that says what they did for the day and it sounds like she has been having fun. She has been super tired in the evenings and going to bed right at 7, her choice, so I know she has been playing hard.  On Friday's they bring home all the projects that they made during the week and I can't wait to see them. 

Scotty took a half day today and picked up Makenzie.  I came home and we played for a little while and then started dinner.  I preheated the oven and got my chicken all ready.  A little while later I looked at the oven and it said 400(degrees) and I thought I forgot to set the timer.  After racking my brain to figure out how long my chicken had been in there I walked over to set the timer and realized I never put the chicken in the oven--duh! The chicken is supposed to cook for almost an hour so I made Makenzie a few chicken nuggets and she had that and the sides we had.  There was no way she would stay up that late to eat.  She chowed down and clear as day said "I want cheese" over and over.  That girl loves macaroni and cheese.  She had never said that many words together and I've never heard her use a pronoun.  Her vocabulary is really picking up.  She also enjoyed her first oreo cookie and decided she really likes them.  (who dosen't)  We took all the couch coushions off and wrestled on the floor.  She loves when her daddy is home to play with.  Makenzie LOVES to steal our phones or the Ipad and will sit and play forever.   She pushes buttons and searches things, occasionally deletes apps that you don't realize until you go to use the app and it's gone.  We have toyed with idea of getting her a tablet of some sort for her birthday, but I would prefer her play with toys instead--but it would be nice to not have ours stolen anymore.

I am so grateful for how hard Scotty works for our family.  I try my hardest to not make him feel guilty for not being home as much and I know he feels bad for missing out on times with us.  But, I realized tonight how much easier it is with him here.  Makenzie is the most stubborn child I know and pushes every button I have.  By the time she goes to bed and I have cleaned up the tornado that blew through--I'M EXHAUSTED.  I love the kiddo to death, but when she hit 19 months a new child emerged.  The last two months have been FULL of temper tantrums, crying--oh the crying, "mine" about everything, diaper changes are a wrestling match, dinner is hit or miss, she decided she didn't like me washing her hair anymore, teeth brushing is awful (she used to love it and would open and say "ahh", but now she gets a giggle fit which you would think is cute--but it's not and then crying and teeth clenched and I have to pin her down and brush).  With Scotty here at least there is someone here to witness the madness and laugh about it with.  There's an extra pair of hands to pin her down with.  There's someone there to distract her so I can actually cook (and eat my own dinner).  Sometimes I dream of him having a regular job where he got off everyday at 5 and we have every night together and the whole weekend, but I know he loves what he does and he provides for his family and gives us a wonderful life.  It also makes the times that we have together even more special.  I love my one on one time with my baby girl.  I know the time will come where we will have more kids and I will miss having her all to myself so I'm soaking her up!

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