Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend recap

Another weekend has come and gone.  As I sit here blogging, I'm already dreading another long week of working!!!  We have been having so much fun around here, I just want to stay home and play with my sweet girl all day!!!

Friday, Mimi came over to spend the night.  We had so much fun!!!  We went outside and let Makenzie play in her pool.  She must have forgotten how much she hated it the other day because she LOVED it this time.

 She started in her clothes
 And then her diaper

And then in her birthday suit.  She had so much fun running around and splashing in her pool!! 
I LOVE this picture.  She loves her Mimi so much......pretty sure the feeling is mutual!  After Kenzie went to bed, mom and I worked on her birthday invitations.  We got them almost finished--just have a few more things to do!!!  I can't believe she is about to be 2.

Saturday we woke up and picked up Arielle to go garage sailing.  (Korie is out of town and Arielle was spending the day with us)
 We didn't stay out too long because Makenzie wasn't haven't it.  We came home and Kenz went home with Mimi so Arielle and I could go visit Jessica's new baby Harper.  She had her on Thursday and I had been dying to get up there to see her.  (Makenzie has had a little cough so I didn't want to bring her to the hospital).
She is so sweet.  Absolutely precious!!  Arielle and I picked up lunch on the way home and took it to my parents house and we all ate.  Both girls fell asleep on the way home.  LOL  I enjoyed the silent ride home!!
John and Shannon came over and spent the afternoon at our house.  They had sweet Presley and we all hung out and waited for Scotty and Lance to get off so we could go to dinner.

John let Makenzie drink his coke.  She must have known she's not supposed to because she kept her face in the cup and sucked it down!!  I gave her a ziplock baggie of her veggie sticks to snack on and she kept feeding them to John--probably at least 50.  He's so sweet and just ate every one of them.  At one point he pretended to be asleep and she kept putting them in his mouth and then would take her hand under his chin and close his mouth to make him chew!!  Shannon was looking up stuff on the computer and Kenzie was "helping".  She thought the screen was a touch screen like the ipad and kept messing with the screen or taking Shannon's fingers and pushing on the keyboard.  And.....look at her hair.  Real piggy tails.  After she woke up from her nap, she had pooped EVERYWHERE (thanks to all the juice boxes from her Mimi and Papa that morning) so she had to have a bath.  I had been wanting to try piggy tails but she always goes to bed after her bath so I never have.  This was the perfect opportunity.  She looked so adorable!!
I need to work on getting her part more precise....but hey it was my first time!!  We loaded up everyone and went to dinner at Edohana.  It was so yummy.
She stayed up until 9:30 so we figured we would get to sleep in this morning.....ummm no.....7 we were up.  We were so lazy today.  We literally laid on the couch and watched Makenzie demolish the house.  She ended up taking a morning nap....must be nice!!  Scotty and I watched HGTV ALL day and dreamed about our future house.  I got a little second wind and cleaned up our bedroom, and Makenzie helped.

I found her the most adorable vacuum and it makes noises just like a real vacuum.  It's really cute watching her vacuum. I made blueberry muffins and she demolished one....luckily she decided to eat in a laundry basket, which contained the mess.

We weren't so lucky containing the mess in the living room.  We cleaned it when she went down for a nap, and then 10 minutes after she woke up it was back to this.....
Scotty cooked out fajitas while Makenzie played in her pool and I tried to tan. It was so dang hot today!

We played the rest of the afternoon.  She cooked us food in her kitchen and fed us--over and over.  I caught her talking on her phone while she fed her baby....wonder if she was mimicking me!

Makenzie got a sucker today for telling Mama twice that she needed to go teetee.  Normally I'm just lucky if I catch it, but this time she actually told me.  She starts potty training tomorrow at her school.  They will take her every 30 minutes to the potty, and I will do the same thing while we are at home!  Praying for a speedy potty training experience. 
We met up with some family that came into town.  We went to an early dinner and visited with them.  It was nice to finally get out of the house after a long morning!!  I didn't get any pictures while we were there!! Boo

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