Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fevers, birthday and shopping!!!

My sweet Kenzie girl is finally feeling better!  
Thursday night she still ran a high fever so I called her dr and she recommended bringing her back in to the office Friday morning to recheck her if she woke up with fever! Well, she had 102 Friday morning so back to the doctor we went!

We needed to check her urine and make sure she didn't have a UTI since she had fever with no other symptoms! I couldn't bear the thought of doing a catheter, so instead we did a "bag urine" (a little bag that sticks on her and you keep your fingers crossed her tinkle goes in the bag) it worked and we were able to check her urine! She had a tiny bit of bacteria but since it was a bag urine it isn't the most sterile to begin with! We'll have the results from her culture on Monday! We went home to wait out the fever!!!
That afternoon we ran a few errands with Korie and Dallas(poor little guy is sick too)! Wowsers!!!  Those kids are crazy! 
She loves her Dallas!!! I set Kenzie up with an Icee and popcorn and she did pretty good while we were at Target! 
I had dropped my car off to get cleaned before target, so we picked it up on the way home and Kenzie was out before we even left the parking lot!
(The credit card machine was down when I paid for my car so she did it the old fashion way with the carbon paper and imprinted my card.....the lady called me later and said she didn't get all the number, so I gave it to her, she called back and needed the expiration number, so I gave it to her--then realized I got charged $288.12---it was a good car wash but not that good!!!  She added an extra 8 in there!!!  It should all be taken care of, but I was shocked to see that the next day)
When we got home Makenzie wouldn't go back to sleep so we decided to chance it some more and loaded the kids back up to go to Claire's to look around! That is not a place for a toddler! Kenzie's little grabby hands were on everything and she took off running in and out of earring towers--it was crazy! We had dinner at Culvers and then called it a night!
The babies screamed the whole way home! I had about 10 ice creams in my lap so Korie had to turn around and let them hold one hand, while driving, the whole way home!!! 
Saturday we headed to Mimi and Papa's house! We went to lunch and then headed to Jacobs 2nd birthday party!
    The birthday boy giving Kenzie a hug
    Helping Papa put together new toys
My little hoochie decided to sit like this during the party--for a long time!!!  (Not sure where she picked that up from)

We came home and waited outside for daddy to get home from work. Kenzie loves to look at the bugs and pick ALL my flowers and bring them to me one by one!!
We came in and Makenzie decide Kirbydog needed help eating his food and began feeding it to him one piece at a time--poor dog!

Sunday I went to Canton with the girls, and John, to shop! 
We had so much fun!  I got a time out chair and a step stool that I will paint and fix up!!  I also got lots of ribbon to make bows, and 26 bows--yes 26 bows!  They were a dollar each and I needed 2 in each color for piggy tails!!   I thought it was a great deal---Scotty couldn't believe when I kept pulling bows out of my bag!! Scotty and Makenzie spent the day together! They went and got coffee and then went to Shenaniganz and played!!  Such a good daddy!!

We had a great weekend! I'm so glad my baby is feeling better(no fever since Friday morning)!!

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