Friday, June 7, 2013


We made plans to have Koko and Dallas come over for dinner, so we played outside and waited on them.  We ended up coming inside before they got here, but Makenzie discovered her shadow before we went inside.   She was playing with the flowers and the next thing I notice she was waving at herself on the ground.  I told her it was her shadow and told her to walk and it would follow her.  She thought it was so funny and ran all over the driveway watching her shadow the whole time.  Ahh to be young again and easily amused by our shadows!!!

We ate dinner standing at my counters with the crazy kids on top of the counters.  They are a mess!!!  They played really well together.  Lots of hugs and sharing--I was impressed.  Korie is the funniest friend I have.  She keeps me laughing non stop--over silly things too.  She is crazy and Kenzie just loves her.   We had a great time.  They left and it was bedtime.  My crazy girl was not ready!  She was wrestling me, and running around like a crazy person.  We face timed Mimi to tell her happy anniversary.  Her and my dad have been together 31 years.  They are such an inspiration to me and my marriage.  True lasting love does exist!!

She woke up a few times last night, so I'm exhausted this morning!!  (I always let her cry for a little while, normally she will go back to sleep, but when it becomes excessive I will go in there).  We left extra early since we were both awake and ready!!  She peepee'd on the potty this morning and was good while getting ready!! 

TGIF--so ready for the weekend.  We have a super busy weekend planned.  2 birthday parties, a date night with my hubby, cleaning out storage and garage, and showing our house to potential buyer!!!
Yesterday her hair was OUT OF CONTROL.  I decided to try a pony tail.....

It lasted all day and was ADORABLE.  The back is still a little too short, but I used a little clippy to keep it up!!!  Love her!!!

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