Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lions, tigers and bears....oh my

We didn't see any bears today but we did see a lot of other animals at the zoo!!  Makenzie and I went to the Dallas Zoo with Laura and Bella.  They have a season pass (that includes everything) so it was a nice treat.   Besides being a million degrees--it was super fun.  But seriously--it was a million degrees.  We packed a picnic lunch and ate at a picnic table in the gorilla exhibit.
These girls were sweet on the way there.  I saw Makenzie looking down and over at Bella from my rear view mirror and when I turned around they were holding hands!!!  Love that!!

Feeding the giraffes are always my favorite.   The first giraffe we fed had a broken jaw--so sad.  He still gobbled up our food though.  Makenzie loved it and wanted more food to feed them.
This cheetah was so cute.  He laid right in front of the window and kept rolling over and pressing his belly up on the glass.  His friend just a little bit over kept lunging for the glass at people--too much for us.  We preferred this "sweet" guy!!

We stopped and ate lunch after walking through the gorillas.  I packed peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, chips, grapes, watermelon, strawberry, cheese (of course) and water.  After we ate, I slathered on some more sunscreen on her and off we went.  (one time I sunburned Makenzie BAD.  We were at a football game watching Arielle cheer, it was cold'ish and cloudy.  I didn't put sunscreen on her because I didn't even think the sun was out, but being in those bleachers and the over cast sky--FRIED HER.  It was so bad.  No every time we go outside Scotty "reminds" me to put sunscreen on her.  Trust me, she will never get sun burnt again on my watch) After lunch I guess her belly was full because she kicked back in her chair and put her feet up on the tray and just enjoyed the ride--must be nice.

Her season pass includes unlimited rides on the carousel so we took a few rides!!  Makenzie wasn't too sure about it at first, but then loved it.

This poor poor camel didn't know what he was getting himself into.  Makenzie and I took a little camel ride.  It was pretty cool--not the most comfortable, but at least we can say we've ridden a camel (checked it off my list).
It must have been a successful trip because we had 2 very tired little girls on the ride home.  They both passed out not too far from leaving the parking lot!!!   We will definitely be back--maybe when it's cooler!!
We didn't get to come home after the zoo and nap like I wanted because we had a showing on the house.  We dropped Laura off and headed to Mimi and Papa's house. 
 We finally made it home about 7'ish and our bunny was out eating my flowers in the front yard when we pulled up so I let Makenzie watch/chase him for a little while.  We see him every morning before we leave for school.  I used to have to tell Makenzie "shh" so she wouldn't scare him off, but now she tells me to "shh".  I guess she caught on to me saying that the bunny likes mommy's flowers, because after she scared him off and he took cover behind our bushes, she picked handfuls of flowers and tossed them to him.  Such a sweet girl.  She finally ran him out of our bushes into the neighbors, but I'm sure he'll be back!!


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