Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Swimming with Mama

We have had a busy week so far!  Lots of playing, swimming and staying up late!!!  Every night we have gotten caught up in what we were doing and bedtime got pushed way back!! 
Today we came home to play in the pool I just got Makenzie! I had Scotty blow it up this morning before work so it would be ready when we got home! I got her all slathered up in sunscreen and gave her the hose to fill it up--she loved it......until it was full and I turned the water off! She didn't want to sit in it or splash--nothing!

The bottom picture shows how bored and disgusted she was with the pool! I have to admit, it was a little lame, but I thought she would splash and play a "little" and I could lay out and tan, not so much!!  I decided since she already had sunscreen on we would head to the community pool and swim!  I told her Korie was there and the WHOLE way she said "Koko, I want Koko, mama! Koko" over and over! She loves her some Koko! We got there just as everyone was leaving, so me and Kenzie hung out and swam by ourselves! It was nice! She walks all over the toddler pool! I was sitting in the chair, but one time she lost her balance and fell over--luckily where she "sat" down the water came right up to her chin, but made me nervous so then I followed behind her the whole time! (I didn't want to freak out and scare her since she finally is playing in the pool). She had fun and a few little girls came up and asked her to play! It was so sweet! I tried telling them she was just 1 and still too little to do what they were doing, but they took her by the hand and walked with her! Kenzie tried to do what the big girls were doing--she even put her face in the water like they did, but only once--she didn't like that! 
(When I told her we were going home)

We came home for bath and dinner! Scotty brought home Louigis--yummy! It was a great night!!!

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