Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weekend recap

Another weekend has passed again so quickly!!!  Saturday me and the little one went garage sale shopping!!!  I had been wanting to go so I figured I would chance taking Kenzie with me alone! She did pretty good for about an hour and a half!
I got her a fisher price high chair for her babies, a shopping cart, and a table with 4 chairs! Not a huge haul like I wanted but cute stuff!!! We came home and cleaned out the garage! I needed to sort the garage sale stuff from the storage stuff! 
This was before, and I had already cleaned ALOT before I thought to take a picture!
We have so much more room now got my piles sorted!!!  It may not look organized, but it is!!! My little helper kept getting out all the toys and playing, but we still got it done!
We went to Cason's 4th birthday party after her nap! Kenzie had a blast and ran around like crazy! Her old babysitter was there--which she loved!  I can't ever peel her off of her when we see her!! And she loves playing with Brynlee!
That night we had a date night planned! Things didn't turn out as planned and we didn't have anyone to watch Kenzie so we stayed home and Scotty brought home dinner and we watched a Dateline we had recorded! Hot date!!!
Sunday we woke up early and Mimi and Papa came over to visit and then we went to brunch! They wanted Makenzie to come over and play so she rode home with them! Scotty and I drove around looking at houses and then went down to Kories to hang out with everyone! I met my parents later to pick up Makenzie and took her back over to play with Dallas! John made a delicious breakfast for dinner! I love when we all get to hang out and spend time as a "family"! We are so lucky to have the Poes and the Smiths in our lives!!!  
Kenzie loves baby Presley! She kept rubbing her head and giving her kisses! She even got to feed her cereal at dinner time!!!  She's going to be such a great big sister one day!!

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