Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday funday

I picked up Makenzie and surprised her with a snow cone!!!  Ok--I cheated a little and got her a plain snow cone! It was her first one and I wasn't about to have that all over my car! Regardless--she loved it!
When we got home she helped me finish mine--she definitely liked mine better!! LOL

We decided to go visit Mimi and papa!! She had a blast of course! I got a cute video of her saying everyone's name--most Mimi/pipi!!  It's really funny! Makes my mom so mad!!!  I love it!  That girl runs around their house likes she owns it!!
She ran and got one of Papa's shoes and walked around in it! She thought she was hot stuff!!!  It was not fun trying to get her to leave to come home--she wanted to stay so bad!!!

She stayed up extra late tonight so I'm hoping she will sleep late so we can make it through 2 birthday parties--with no nap!!!  Wish us luck!

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