Saturday, June 29, 2013

What we've up to lately

Thursday we had our doctors appt.  Scotty met me there after work and we got to see and hear our little peanut--it was amazing.  I had no idea we would be able to hear the heartbeat, we were just looking forward to seeing the little flicker of the heartbeat on the screen.  Makenzie and I met Korie at Cici's for dinner on the way home.  It was delicious and the kiddos did good. Afterwards, I had a brilliant idea to take Makenzie with me to the AT&T store to exchange my phone.  It was already 7:15 which was almost her bedtime anyways---disaster.  We waited for an hour for our turn.  I kept thinking that we should just leave, but then we'd already waited so long I didn't want it to be a waste of time.  Finally it was our turn.  I traded the Samsung in for the Iphone 5.  So much happier.  The other phone was too big, texting was hard, and I couldn't group text with my friends.  AND.....when I plugged the new phone up to itunes I restored from backup and got all my dates back that I had lost when I switched to the Samsung.  Hallelujah!!!  I am so relieved!! 
Friday I came home and packed an overnight bag for Makenzie.  I picked her up from school and we headed to Mimi and Papa's house.  She was spending the night with them because I had a hair appointment early on Saturday.  They took us out for dinner for my birthday.  Makenzie was such a ham--she was cracking us up!

I headed home after dinner and stopped to get groceries.  I took my time and went up and down every isle.  It was so nice to not have to be in a rush, plus we needed groceries BAD.  Mimi sent me pictures of her picking tomatoes out of their garden and playing.


I picked her up Saturday after my hair appt.  Finally got the OK from the doctor to get my roots done.  Woo hoo!  Mimi had french braided her hair and she looked adorable.
We came home and napped and then got ready to go to dinner with some friends to celebrate my birthday.  We went to my favorite place....Mi Cocina.

Korie and Lance came and so did Jessica and Eric with their kiddos, Ryliegh and Harper.  It was so much fun and delicious.  I missed having a mambo taxi (or limousine) but pretended my water was one!!

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