Monday, June 3, 2013

The culprit....

Hand, foot and freaking mouth.  Again.  That totally explains the high fever and no other symptoms.  She has had a few tiny red dots around her mouth, but today when I picked her up from school she had more and they were brighter. AHHH.  (just a little back history---last year, December 10, 2011 to be exact, my little 4 1/2 month old baby got a few "blisters" around her mouth.  The next day, I'm down for the count with 104 fever, so many blisters on my hands I couldn't even bend my fingers, and my feet covered so much that I couldn't even walk--thank god I didn't get any on my face.  I couldn't even hold my baby for a week.  It was awful.  I have a few scars on my hands and all my fingernails peeled off as they were healing)

This is us last year.  Check out my hands--disgusting.  I am praying, and keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get it again.  It was seriously the worst illness that I have ever had.  (adults aren't "supposed" to get it--yeah right)

 This crazy girl thought it was the funniest thing me trying to get a picture of her mouth!!!  She would not hold still.  I had to pin her down with my legs and use my feet to hold her head!!  See all the dots??  Yuck!!  She hasn't had any fever since Friday afternoon, so she's not contagious anymore.

Enough of that!!!  When I picked up Makenzie from school today, she came running up to me saying "booboo" and pointing at her knee.  She had fallen down while playing outside and skinned her little knee.  I had to sign an "ouch-incident report"--serious stuff.

It says it happened at 9 this morning, so for her to remember enough to want to tell me at 4 when I picked her up......she must have milked that all day!! LOL drama queen!!! After dinner we went outside and ate a pop sickle while we waited for daddy to get home!

She's so funny!!  She had us laughing all night.  Her favorite thing to do is waller all over us on the floor.  She just climbs and rolls all over the place.  She also will pat and rub our backs when we lay on the floor, even pull our shirts down when they wad up from the rubbing.  If we lift our heads up she will put her hand on the back of our heads and push it back down.....makes me giggle everytime.  I think her teachers must do this at nap time to keep them laying down.  She also has been jumping.  She will squat down, freeze, and then jump up.  It's so cute.  She will prance back and forth across the living room.  Her little left arm swings back and forth.....I call it her "super wing".....makes her go fast when she's running.  She's a ham for sure!!!
I'm pretty sure she is a genius.  She already knows all her shapes, even funky ones like diamond, hexagon, and crescent.  She can say star, circle, and moon---but will point to any shape that you name.  She knows all of her colors.  She will say pink, black, blue, yellow, and purple---but will point to all of them.  She is so smart and is picking up new things everyday!!!

We have another offer on our house and we feel more confident this time about selling this house and moving on....wish us luck!!!

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