Thursday, October 10, 2019

Moving in the new house

 We spent several days moving boxes from the rental over to the new house.  I did a lot while the kids were in school, but we did have to cram in the car and take a few loads over in the evenings too.
 We sold a lot of our furniture before we left.  The last couple days in the rental we had no couch or table.  We ate dinners on their little pink table.
 The movers came on Wednesday, the 4th, and the next day we found our first snake.  AT&T was here setting up our cable and internet and saw one in our flower bed eating a frog.  Thankfully he helped get rid of it for me.  (Don't worry....the frog hopped out of its belly after the guy cut the snake in half.)
 Slowly but shurly we got everything in and started to unpack.  Landon spent most of his time following me around and undoing everything I tried to do.  I finally caved and gave him the Ipad to watch a movie on and found him sitting in a laundry basket.

 The girls were so excited to be able to finally walk home.  The first few days I followed them in the car just to make sure they knew the right way to go.  One afternoon Kenzie had a friend walk home with them and play for a little while.  She ended up going to the high school football game with her later that night. 

 We had lunch with Bebe and Papa over the weekend and Landon was cracking us up.  He does the funniest faces and says the cutest things.
The girls had Grandparents week at school and Bebe came to eat lunch with them.  Papa was stuck in meetings and wasn't able to make it. 

 Volleyball has started back up and I am so excited to watch Kenzie play again.  She loves volleyball and is doing so good.  This season she is working on her overhand serve.  Her practices are on Thursdays and Landon typically doesn't nap on those days since we are so busy doing stuff which results in him falling asleep on the way to practice and sleeping on me the whole time.

We didn't have living room furniture for about 2 weeks.  We made it work with random chairs from around the house and blankets.

 We have tons of praying mantis around our house.  Madison loves picking them up and chasing Landon and Kenzie around with them.  Fun fact: When I was little I had a pet praying mantis named Prayer.  She ended up having lots and lots of babies one day and I had to set them all free.
 We have been taking "adventure walks" as the kids like to call them.  We always find tons of bunnies and frogs along the way.

 Landon picked out his Halloween costume and is obsessed with wearing it.  He is going to be a "Fiddaman"

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