Monday, July 3, 2017

T-ball, swimming and high chair sitting

I am so happy Kenzie has found a new team to play t-ball with.  The Unicorn team has been amazing so far and she is learning so much.  Her form has gotten better and she is understanding the game more.  She had a game on Thursday and she played so good.
The coaches are really trying to get the girls to play coach pitch and have started pitching to a few of them.  Kenzie is one of the 3 that are able to hit this way.  I was so proud of her.

Bebe and Papa came to watch her too.  Madison gets so bored and tired at these games, so she was glad to have them there.
It was a long day for Kenzie.  She went to camp earlier in the day and they went on a field trip to the zoo.  I picked her up from there and we had a picnic in the car and then went strait to her t-ball pictures and the game.  We were all very ready to crawl into bed that night.  Friday morning we met some friends at the pool and swam for a little bit.  It has been pretty nice not having to get in with them every time we go swimming.  Kenzie swims really good and Madison floats around with her puddle jumper on and they both entertain themselves.
Bebe came over later that night and hung out with us.  Kenzie's t-ball game was rained out Saturday morning so we went and ran some errands instead.  We were out most of the day and came home and took naps.  Landon and I cuddled and slept almost 2 hours.  It was amazing.  Scotty picked us up for dinner when he got off work.  We went to a hibachi place and Landon sat in a high chair and did really good.

He is so precious.  Sunday morning we went to Bebe and Papa's house to hang out while Scotty and Papa went to the shooting range.  Landon and I snuggled and took another nap while the girls played with Bebe.  Don't judge me--I LOVE a good nap especially snuggled up to my sweet baby.  When the boys got home we all went and had lunch and bubba sat in a high chair again.  He hates his car seat so much and likes sitting up and looking around.  I think his carrier days are limited and I am shopping for a different car seat.  I'm excited to not have to carry him in his carrier anymore--it's so heavy.

We spent the rest of our day cooking, cleaning and I was able to sneak away and get a pedicure.  Today I went to the gym and came home to get everyone ready to go visit Bebe at work.  They were having a cookout and she wanted us to come out and see her.  We stopped and picked up our groceries on the way home.  Walmart's pick up option is the best thing ever.  I love pulling up and they know I'm there and bring out my groceries and load them up for me.  Shopping with all 3 kids is stressful and I have no buggy room anymore, so this is so nice.  We went to Amber's house to swim for awhile and then grabbed some dinner before coming home.  Landon was a spit up machine today.  I can't wait to take him to his 4 month check up next week and discuss options with his doctor.

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