Saturday, December 30, 2017

Landon is 9 months

 My sweet boy is 9 months old already.  I say this every month, but he is seriously the sweetest boy ever.  He is so sweet and cuddly and loves to snuggle.  I love giving him kisses and squeezing him in big hugs.  We are entering the separation anxiety stage.  If we set him down and walk away he does get a little upset.  He is so sweet that no one likes to hear him cry and he normally gets picked back up....

 He is around 21 pounds and in the 75% and I can't remember how long he is but I know it is in the 90%.  He is a big boy.  He is wearing 12 month clothes and will quickly move up to 12-18 month.  He doesn't  wear many shoes but when he does they are a size 3 or 4.  He kicks his feet back and forth so much that his socks and shoes are always kicked off.  I just moved him up to size 4 diapers. 
 This big sweet boy is still so lazy.  He has mastered rolling over and can flip over very fast.  When he is on the bed and getting his diaper changed is his favorite time to flip over.  When he is playing on the floor, he will roll over but tends to just stay in one place.  He has absolutely no desire to crawl or stand right now.  On one hand I am glad he isn't wanting to crawl and move around just yet.  It makes it easier to know where he is and know he isn't where he is around anything he shouldn't be.  On the other hand, I am anxious for him to start moving around more just because his sisters were already doing it by this age.   He is always babbling and making sounds.  I try and get him to say "mama" but he just replies with "dada".  (he isn't putting Scotty with the word but it is still frustrating)
He is cutting his two upper teeth and has been doing pretty well with it.  I'm pretty sure I see one on the bottom coming in on the left side too.  He is still drinking 8 ounce bottles and eating 1-2 jars a day.  He prefers to eat whatever we are eating and if I am able to cut it into little enough pieces then I will give it to him.  He is still an amazing sleeper.  His bedtime is around 8 and he wakes up around 9 the next morning.  His naps are still random, but when he gets one it is about 2 hours long around 1'ish.  He likes to take a short nap around 10:30 and sometimes another short nap around 4:30.  We love him so much and are so blessed to have him complete our family.

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