Monday, August 14, 2017

Back to reality and Kenzie loses a tooth

Saturday morning we started our LONG trip back home!  The kids and I napped off and on but poor Scotty had to drive the whole time.
We got home late and pretty much unpacked a little and went to bed!  The next morning Bebe came over to visit!  We ran to the store to restock the pantry/fridge and get a bigger tank for the hermit crabs.
When we got back home Bebe pulled Makenzie's tooth.  Kenzie didn't even realize it was out until she saw it in the rag.
She was so excited and can't stop smiling and touching it!  We spent the rest of the day lounging around and getting our house back in order.
Landon is so close to sitting up but still has no desire to roll over or do tummy time.  That night we got ready for the tooth fairy to come!  She had her tooth fairy doll and put her tooth in the dress pocket and sat her on her pillow!

The next morning she woke up to 10 sparkly dollars.
Can you see the sparkle?? 
She was dying to go to the store and buy something with her money.  We ran to target and did a few errands before coming home to clean and play.  Kenzie spent the night with a friend and Madi and I spent the night on the floor with Landon doing tummy time and trying to get him to roll over!  It was a failure---oh well at least he's cute!

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