Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Landon is 11 months

My sweet boy is 11 months old!  This post is 2 weeks late but etter late than never.  The photo sessions are getting harder and harder!  He is constantly on the move now!  Squirming out of his chair or crawling off the blanket!
He weighs around 23 pounds and is wearing 12 month clothes or 12-18m.  He doesn't wear shoes much because he constantly kicks them off and I lose them, but when he does they are a size 3 or 4 depending on how wide they are!
He has started crawling this month and is all over the place!  He is now pulling up on his knees and occasionally he has pulled all the way up to stand.  He loves opening and shutting doors, cabinets and drawers.  He has caught his finger a few times and is learning real quick to move them.  We have started making him throw his paci in his bed when he wakes up.  I would love to break him of the habit soon but if he only has it for naps and bedtime I'm ok with that.
He has 8 teeth and I'm pretty sure I see a molar trying to cut through.  He has started scrunching up his nose when he smiles and it's pretty much the cutest thing ever.  He got his second ear infection last week and is super congested!  He's a trooper though and stays in a good mood most of the time!  He is still the best sleeper ever!  We lay him down for bed at 8 and he will normally wake up around 9'ish the next morning!  He still likes to eat a little breakfast and go back to sleep for a little bit---what a rough life!  There have been several occasions that he sleeps until close to 11am.
He is drinking 4 or 5 bottles a day that are 6-8 ounces!  I always make 8 ounces and most of the time he finishes it!  He also gets 3 meals a day and will snack anytime it is offered to him!  We give him whatever we are having and he has loved everything so far.
I'm pretty sure he is the smartest baby ever!  He loves putting lids onto things and taking things out of containers and putting them back inside!  Today I caught him picking out a sock of the clean clothes pile and trying to put it on his foot!  We love this sweet boy so much!  I'm so distraught that I'm already planning his 1st birthday!

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