Sunday, May 28, 2017

Field day

Kenzie had field day at her school and was so excited for me to go with her!  Amber came over and watched Madi and Landon so I could run up to her school for a little bit.
The 6th graders did the centers and the first one was face painting.

Scotty came up after a meeting at work!  She was so excited to see him.
Amber sent me some pictures of the littles while I was gone!

I came home at lunch and decided to bring the kids back up there for the afternoon.  It was overcast and had a breeze and I thought they would have fun....

It started off good and then the breeze went away, the sun came out, bubba got hungry/fussy and Madi fell and scraped her knee which turned into an hour long crying fest until she passed out!

We couldn't wait to come home and take showers to cool off!  Poor with sisters!

Family pictures

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

First swim of the summer

Monday we picked Kenzie up from school and surprised her by going swimming!  She has been asking and asking to go but our pool hasn't opened yet!
Amber had us over to swim and we ordered dinner and spent the evening over there.  The water was still way to cold for me, so bubba and I just put our feet in!
He did great hanging out poolside and her backyard is pretty shaded so he caught a little nap!
Tuesday Landon had his 2 month check up.  Big boy weighs 13 pounds 11 ounces!
He had to get his shots and was not happy about that!  He also got a prescription for his reflux and hopefully that will help him feel better and quit spitting up so much!  The doctor also thinks he has a milk protein allergy based on how a dirty diaper looked that I showed her.  We are going to try him on the medicine first before we change his formula and hope that that helps!
All my babies at 2 months old!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's Day with my little family!  They let me sleep in a little and then cooked me breakfast in bed.  Kenzie had a horseback riding lesson.  She got to ride the horse all by herself.

She did such a good job leading and directing the horse!  She is much braver than I would be at 5 on a horse all by myself!  She loves it and begs to go everyday!  We came home and played in the backyard and decided to hook up the sprinkler to let them run through. 
I surprised them when I jumped up and ran through them too!

And then daddy joined in.....
We came inside and had some lunch and snuggled up and watched a movie.
Bebe and papa came over to visit and eat dinner.  Scotty grilled the biggest steaks I have ever seen!  The picture doesn't even do them justice.
It was a wonderful day spent with my family!  I am so lucky to be a mommy to my babies.  They are my entire world and make everyday so special for me.  I am also lucky to have the best mom in the world!  She is truly my best friend and I love her so much!  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of all of us today!

T-ball is a wrap

Friday we were lazy and lounged around in our jammie's most of the day.
Doctor Madison fixed up all the babies while Landon worked on sitting up and some tummy time.
We picked up Kenzie from school and spent our afternoon playing outside!

The girls were so surprised when I brought bubba up on the play set outside to eat popsicles.  Kenzie couldn't quit giggling.  
My booty just barely fit to make it down the slide!  Saturday Kenzie had 2 tball games.  The last games of the season!  It was so stinking hot!  We had fans, umbrellas and lots of water to keep us cool.  We met Papa for dinner afterwards.  The two grumps!

Madison's Mother's Day performance

Madi had a school performance on Thursday for Mother's Day!  Bebe came too and it was the cutest little thing ever!

We had juice and donuts in her room and then we went across the hall to watch them sing some songs!
Her bow and curtsy were the cutest thing ever!

Afterwards we grabbed some lunch and took it to Kenzie and surprised her!  She was so excited to see us and sit at the special table!
I set up Landon's exersaucer later on.  He seemed to like it for a bit and then got aggravated!  

Our tball practice got canceled due to the quickest rain shower ever!  We decided to have an early dinner and then popsicles outside!  We are so ready for summer!