Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Landon is 2 months

Holy moly how is already 2 months old?  We are all obsessed with him and how sweet he is!  I must kiss him a million times a day.

I don't even know how 2 months have passed already!  He is so happy and smiley!  Anytime he catches anyone's eye he gives the biggest grin.  I've caught him smiling and coo'ing at the toys on his bouncer and kick and play toy!  When he hears his sisters he grins immediately and I love that the most!
He is eating 3-4 ounces every 1.5-2 hours during day.  He is still spitting up like crazy but gaining plenty of weight. He takes his last bottle between 9 and 10 and sleeps all night until around 6:30/7.
We have moved him completely to his  room and he sleeps only in his crib at night!  We wrap him up like a burrito in his swaddle and he puts himself to sleep!  The girls were very easy getting on a sleep routine too so we got very lucky!
We are on the go pretty much everyday.  He isn't on a very good napping schedule during the day.  He will cat nap in his car seat while we are out or if we are home in his bouncer.  I try and lay him in his bed for at least one good nap a day.
He has his checkup next week so I don't know his exact measurements but we are guessing he is around 15 pounds.  He's a very big boy!  He is wearing a size one diaper, but not for long, and 3 month clothes.  They are getting a little snug on him and 3-6m fits him better.
All my babies at 2 months old!

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