Thursday, May 7, 2015

Madison is 15 months

Wow! 15 months already!  It has flown by!  My sweet girl amazes me everyday with new things that she learns and does!  She is a little sponge and soaks in everything she sees and hears!  Madi is such a joy to be around and her big smile lights up the room!
I love those dimples!!  Let's be real though....sister has found her temper!  She goes from happy to pissed quick!  If she doesn't like something or doesn't want to do something you will know about it!  We have officially entered the temper tantrum stage!
Her check up was this morning and she weighs 18 pounds 11.5 ounces!  She is still tiny and only in the 3rd percent but moved up on the growth chart so the doctor was happy!  She was 29.5 inches tall (25%) and her head was 17.75 inches  (25%).  She hated the doctors office as normal and we could barely weigh her!
Dr Richardson was able to examine her better this time than ever before!  The lymph node she was concerned with was smaller and everything else was perfect!  She got 2 shots and we were good to go!
Everyone still calls her Goose or Goosy and I don't think that nickname is going anywhere!  All our friends and even Kenzie's friends call her Madi Goose!  So funny!  She has 12 teeth now and I'm pretty sure she is cutting an incisor tooth too!  For being as little as she is, she sure can put away the food!  Her favorite thing is mac n' cheese, and yogurt is a close second!  She can find a carrot in anything and will spit it out and I have a hard time getting her to eat any vegetables!  She is definitely more picky than Kenzie was so it has been a little difficult!  Once we find something she likes though it's hard to keep enough ready for her to eat!
I LOVE her little curl in the back!  She still doesn't have much hair but it is starting to come in more!  When her hair gets wet it gets very curly but after I brush it it stays pretty strait!  Her eyes are such a pretty blue!
Hers may even be a little more blue than her sisters!  Goose is super smart!  She already knows most of her body parts!  Hair, eyes, nose, ears, tummy, hands, feet and bottom!!  She says about 7-10 words and is starting to try and repeat things that we say! (Mama, dada, Bebe, bye bye, baby, ball, puppy and more)
Those lashes!!  She is still a pretty good sleeper!  I normally lay her down about 8:15/8:30 and she sleeps until about 8 the next morning!  She has dropped a nap and only takes one nap around 12 and sleeps about 2 hours!  This makes it easier for us to get out and do things and just have one nap to worry about!  She still takes a paci, but only at night!  Actually she keeps a paci in her mouth AND holds one in her hand and freaks out if she loses either one of them! In the morning we tell her to throw them in and she happily tosses them back in her bed!
She loves her big sissy so much and follows her wherever she goes!  She wants to do anything and everything Makenzie does!  Sometimes it aggravates Kenzie but for the most part she is so good with her little sister!
I think Madi may be our singer or dancer! She always sings along to the radio in the car or anytime she hears music!  She loves dancing and will bust a move on command!  Her favorite thing to do is give high fives to people!  Even to "strangers" I can get her to give them a high five!  It's so funny to watch her run because she sticks her left arm way out behind her! 
Kenzie used to, well still does, run with her left elbow tucked up and we call it her super wing and we say Madi's is her cape! Goofballs!  She is still super attached to me!  She will not go to anyone that wants to hold her if she doesn't recognize them!  If I start to walk away, not even to leave, she will start panting and you can see the panic on her face!  While it is sweet that she loves me so much and feels comforted with me, it is getting out of hand.  Once she is around a new person for a little bit then she opens up and will be fine, but you have to work for her approval!
I can't get her to sit still long enough to get a good picture of her!! She is always on the move!  We are so blessed to have her in our lives and I am so proud to be her mommy!  Madi goose we love you so much!!

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