Thursday, August 14, 2014


I can't believe my sweet girl is 3.  I never got around to posting her 3 year update!!  One word to sum her up would have to be independent!!  She insist on doing every thing herself!!  She is also very head strong and opinionated!!  These are not bad qualities to have at all, and will come in handy for her later, but it is very difficult on her mommy and daddy now!!  She is also the sweetest, most loving and funny girl I know!!  She doesn't like seeing anyone sad and will rub your back and say "it's ok, don't be sad".   Whenever she sees a baby or animal, she will get so excited and say "awe, I hold um".  She is so tender hearted and sweet.   She has no problem admitting when shes done something shes not supposed to and will always say she's sorry!!  I'm impressed daily how well she shares and plays with others!!  I'm so proud of her for that!  She acts shy when she first meets skmeone, but give her a minute and sbe opens up!! Her teaches at school say she is the best in class and never causes any problems!!  I love hearing praises like that!!  She is a girly girl and likes to put on "whipstick" anytime I get my chapstick out!!

We basically stick to the same schedule daily.  She does better that way!!  I wake her up about 6 ' ish to start getting ready for the day!!  Sometimes she sneaks a snack in the car while we take Madi to school.  After we drop her off we always call Bebe to chat. She always ends the conversation with "have a good day". I walk her into her class and get her seated and then we kiss a million times and I head to work.  I normally get back to pick her up about 3:45 and we head to pick up Madison!!  The rest of the night is crammed in with playing, dinner of some sort, a bath and brushing teeth and then in bed about 7:15'ish to watch "her show", Mickey Mouse, and then it's night night time!! She sleeps all night--thank god!!

Kenzie is completely potty trained now and has been for a couple months!!  It is so nice to not have to worry about diapers anymore with her!!  She doesn't nap or sleep with a pull up anymore and has only had 1 accident at school during naptime!!  She picked it up so quickly and it really was a smooth transition!!

She is starting to pretend play with her toys and using her imagination!!  I love it!!  Her baby is always in "mime out" for doing sometbing!  Nomally she will say "my baby pushed her and she sit in mimi out now".  The other day we went to dinner with Scotty and he always asks her if she's going to pay.  This time she said yes and reached in her pocket and pulled out 4 cotton balls,that she had gotten from the doctor, and told our waitress, "no daddy pay me pay".  The waitress was nice enough to play along and went to "ring" her up and brought her back her cotton ball change!!  She was so proud of herself!!

I love her so very much!!  I'm so blessed to be her mommy!!!

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