Sunday, August 31, 2014

What we've been up to

Kenzie had dance class on Thursday.  She went in this time on her own without crying so that was a win.  She is absolutely adorable in her little outfit.

We met Korie, Dallas, Shannon and Presley at Cici's for dinner after dance.

Friday morning I forgot to set my alarm so I woke up late when Madi woke up crying.   I hate waking up late.  My whole morning gets thrown off.  After work, Papa brought Bebe over to spend the night and do a few things around the house.  Dad and I ran to Lowes to get a few things and the power went out so our trip was cut short.  We grabbed dinner and sat thru a million red light flashing intersections and made it home to do a few things before Papa headed home.  Mom and I unpacked a few boxes and then called it a night.  I'm so glad we are in our house and Bebe can come over and spend the night again, we all love it.  Saturday morning we woke up early and headed out to run some errands.  I hit the jackpot and had the best shopping trip ever.  I found deals on everything I needed, and didn't need.  We came home for our kitchen table to be delivered.
I love the table!!  We originally ordered a hutch, but it's a little crowed with it behind the table and you really can't see it that well so we are taking that back.  Mom and I organized the playroom and it looks a million times better.  We also emptied a bunch of random boxes and put that stuff away too.  It's coming along SLOWLY.  We took Bebe home and ate dinner there with Papa.  They had a few sparklers for Kenzie to do.
The girls and I headed home so we could see the fireworks at our Celebrate Fate festival they were having.  We made it just in time and Scotty met us up there.

The firework show was amazing.  Maybe even the best I have seen!!  Kenzie loved it and Madison never took her eyes off the fireworks.  I wasn't sure how she would do, but she loved it.

This morning Madi woke up early so I brought her in our room and fed her.  (She has been very hard to feed lately.  She only takes an ounce or two and then is done with it)  She threw up ALL the bottle that she drank not 2 seconds after she finished.  It was like a fountain.  It was everywhere.  We stripped her, and the bed down and we all went back to bed for a little while.  I was supposed to go to Canton to do some shopping with the girls, but Scotty surprised me and said he wanted to go too.  We loaded up the girls and headed out.
It was so flipping hot.  The girls did great and we got some good stuff.  I went specifically to get wooden crosses to paint but they were sold out.   That just means another trip to Canton will have to happen, dang!!  We stopped at Kirklands on the way home to get some curtain rods.  Is it sad that when I walked in 3 of the employees came up and talked to me and called me by name??  I may or may not have been making daily trips there.  They are having an amazing sale and I have gotten such cute stuff.  We went to MiCocina for dinner. We crashed and burned.  Kenzie was in melt down mode, Madi was hungry and then threw up all her bottle again--all over the floor.  I was so embarrassed.  It was all over me, a pool on the floor that spread by 2 tables that were around us.  Yuck.  We ended up going by target so I could get some pedialyte for her, which led to another shopping trip.  I seriously got the best stuff while shopping this weekend.  We hit the ground running when we got home unpacking boxes and rearranging boxes that we didn't need right away in the garage.  We made a pretty good dent in the disaster that is our home right now!!  Madison was able to drink and hold down 5 ounces of pedialyte so I'm hoping she has a good night and we both get to sleep.  She acts perfectly fine.  Not fussy at all and just as smiley as normal.  fingers crossed she feels better!

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