Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Shopping, gym and cheer

Sunday I started off by going to the gym and working out!  I had the whole place to myself and it was AMAZING!  I turned my music up loud and totally lost myself for an hour and a half!!  When I got home Scotty surprised me and told me to go shopping and get some clothes!  I have NO fall clothes!  No jeans or shirts and my dresses don't fit anymore either!  I packed up everything in my closet that I couldn't wear and it was pretty slim pickings on what was left!  I hurried and left before he could change his mind and was able to find a few pairs of jeans, a new pair of boots and a couple shirts!!  When I got home Kenzie and Scotty were outside shooting her bow and arrow (that she got for her birthday and just opened). 
We went down the street to watch the Cowboy game at the neighbors house later on!  Madison carried around a demonic baby she found.  It was odd watching her love on it.  They go all out for Halloween and their whole house is very creepy right now!
I love this picture of Madi and her future boyfriend Hudson!  He is so cute!!  They ran and around and played in the backyard the whole time while Kenzie and Jo ran in and out and convinced her daddy to set up the bounce house! 

It was a fun time even though the Cowboys lost!!  Monday morning got started off with my favorite class at the gym!  The instructor is amazing and encouraging and the class is super hard but you feel so good afterwards!!  Kenzie had her first gymnastic class at the new level that night!  She did really good and one of my good friends daughter is in that class and I didn't even know!!
We had to leave strait from there and pick up dinner on the way to cheer practice!  I had to bring Madison with me to practice and she did "ok" once she warmed up to everyone!  By the end of practice she was right up in the middle of them dancing and trying to do what they were doing!  This morning I dropped Kenzie off at school and Madi and I headed to the gym!  I did my class and was dragging through it!  I was so tired and sore from the day before but I pushed through!  Afterwards we ran a few errands!  She was so fussy and I was very excited when she fell asleep in the car!  I took the long way home and parked half in the garage and left her in there sleeping, with the car running, and I straitened up the garage a bit until she woke up!  We had just enough time to eat lunch and then head to get sister from school!  I love getting there and seeing her laughing and talking to her friends!  I'm so glad she loves school and making new friends!!  I'm getting to know some of the moms and it's nice having another outlet to meet people!  We came home and played a bit and I did my cleaning around the house before cheer practice!
They were not focused at all tonight and it was very overwhelming trying to get them to pay attention!!  I'm secretly excited for the season to be over and to have my nights back again!!  When we got home I found Madison asleep so peacefully in her daddy's lap!  He said she wanted him to rub her hair and she fell asleep!

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