Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Madison is 8 months old

Where has the time gone!!!  I can't believe my Madi Goose is 8 months old.  She is such a joy and I can't get enough of her.  She is so full of personality and fun.
She has 2 teeth on the bottom but her top two are not far behind.  She has a blister on her gum on the top next to the middle teeth so I'm expecting that one to pop through anytime now too.  She does good during the day with the teething but at night she gets a little cranky and tired and doesn't want to drink her bottle.  Instead I mix most of her bottle that she refuses with her oatmeal and a little fruit for flavor and she scarfs it down.
I could eat these toes up.  When she gets excited/nervous she will frantically rub her toes together and leaves big red marks all over her feet.  I've tried to put socks on her, but she just kicks them off.  Madi is so close to crawling. Any day now she is going to take off.  She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth.  She will move her hands forward but her little knees just don't get it yet.  She get onto all fours from a sitting position and get back into a sitting position.  She is trying to pull up and can get up onto her knees.  I can't put her down and walk away anymore.  She scoots and rolls all over the place.
I am very thankful that Madi is a great sleeper.  She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 and sleeps all night until around 6:15 when I wake her up.  She rolls all around her bed and loves to snuggle her blanket.  She goes to bed with her paci but loses it during the night but is able to find it and put it back in her mouth, so that has stopped the middle of the night crying.  She takes 2 naps a day, normally around 10 and then again at 1.  Sometimes on the weekends if we are out and about she will just take one long nap around 12.
She has started to babble alot.  She has the "da da, la la, and ma ma" sounds down.  I love hearing her sweet voice.  Her favorite thing to do right now is blow raspberries.  She is constantly blowing spit on us doing this.  She still adores her older sister.  Makenzie can make her laugh doing just about anything.  In the car she has started trying to make her laugh or distract her to get her to calm down and stop crying.
She is drinking 4-5 bottles a day and each is about 5-7 ounces.  She will have a fruit and oatmeal for breakfast and a veggie for lunch.  I will bring her home and give her some puffs for a snack.  She loves them.  She grabs them and shoves them in her mouth.  I don't think very many of them actually make it and stay in her mouth.  Her high chair is normally full of them.  I will give her a meat/veggie combo for dinner and then she will have a bottle before bed.   When she is done drinking her bottle....she is DONE.  She pushes her tongue out and clamps her lips closed and turns her head.  There is no pushing the bottle back in.

We love her so much and I am so lucky to be her mommy.  She is always so happy and always smiling.  Her bright eyes and toothy smile make me so happy.  I need time to slow down, she is getting too big too fast. 

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