Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A tea party with Bebe and Papa

Kenzie had been telling me she wanted to have a tea party for a couple days.  She told her Bebe that we would have cookies and lemons, aka lemonade, and that we all had to wear bows.  Friday I picked her up from school and we headed to Target to get our supplies.  I had the brilliant idea to bring her little shopping cart and let her push it and put everything in there.  She looked so cute pushing her cart with her groceries in it.

The cuteness wore off during her temper tantrum after not getting yogurt with M&M's.  She screamed and cried and threw herself on the floor and knocked her buggy over.  I picked the buggy up and put my arm through it and grabbed her hand and all but drug her to the check out.  A good mom would probably have emptied the buggy and left with nothing, but I had really cute stuff in there that I needed wanted.  So we joined one of two lines that they had open and those poor people had to listen to her whine and cry the whole time.  And....I bent down to ask her if she "wanted me to take her to the bathroom" in my mommy voice and that stinker flinched away from me like I beat her and started screaming "don't take me to the bathroom" over and over.  She has NEVER had to go to the bathroom for a beating like she was screaming about.  I was embarrassed and then even more mad at her.  I have never been so happy to leave Target in my life.

Anyways, Saturday my mom and dad came over to do some more stuff around the house and they were watching the girls for me while I went to the JBF half price consignment sale.  Before they got there we made cookies and "lemons", lemonade.

We set her table up for her tea party and then she picked out bows for everyone.  It was so cute how excited she was.


She loved pouring us tea, over and over.  She would only pour half a sip at a time.  I think she knew the less she poured the more she could refill our cups.  We cheered each other and drank our "tea" and ate our cookies and had a great time.  After the tea party, my dad helped me hang a few things around the house.  It's starting to look more and more like a home.  They stayed with the girls while Korie, Shannon and I went shopping. I got some more great stuff for the girls for a great price.

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