Friday, October 24, 2014

Uncle Jerry and Tia come to town

TGIF.....this week has been a long one.  With both kids sick and me feeling crummy now too, I am so ready for the weekend.  Thursday we had dance and Kenzie looked so cute in her outfit.
We came home and had playtime in the playroom before bath and bed.  Madi is all over the place now that she can crawl.  She follows her sister around wherever she goes.  She will pick up whatever toy Kenzie lays down and of course puts it in her mouth.  Kenzie will take the toy from her and make a disgusted face and say "swobber".  It's so funny!!!

Tonight we went to Bebe and Papa's house after I picked up the girls.  Uncle Jerry and Tia Anita came to town to visit.  We met them for dinner and went back to Bebe's house to hang out.

Poor Madi was pretty miserable with her teething tonight.  She fought off her sleep until we got in the car to come home about 9:30.

Kenzie has been saying some of the funniest/cutest things lately.  Tonight when she was asked what she is going to be for Halloween, she replied "a chicken" and Madi is going to be a "genie".  Where does she come up with this stuff.  I don't think I have ever even said the word genie to her.  She has been telling me "you're the best mommy" alot lately.  I love it.  If I do something for her she will always say "thank you mommy, you're the best mommy".....melts my heart.  If she is good during the week we get donuts for our donut Friday.  She always wants pink, chocolate and "glitter", aka sprinkles.  They look at me like I'm crazy when I get up to order and say glitter when I forget.  Her Bebe taught her to say "I love you to the moon and back" and she tells me this every night before bed.  The other day in the car she was telling me the longest sentence ever and I nodded my head and said "uh huh" and she quit talking and said "mommy you have to wait your turn I talking"....I couldn't help but laugh....she was right!!  To get you to do what she wants, she will tell you to do it "because I love you".  She was riding her bike with her Bebe and told her "lets go down further, because I love you".  She keeps us laughing and on our toes for sure!!!  Love her to pieces.

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