Monday, October 20, 2014

Sick baby

We ended our weekend with a very sick baby.  Madison was coughing so bad she was throwing up.  Her fever spiked up to 102 and she was miserable.  We decided just to hang out in our jammies all day.  Scotty went upstairs to his "man cave" and us girls went up to join him.  We were up there all day watching football and just hanging out together.  Kenzie made us quite a few tea parties.
When the girls went down for their naps I ran a few errands and got a pedicure.  I came home with lunch and we all watched the Cowboys win their football game.  Madison felt so bad last night that she fell asleep on her daddy.  She has never done this.  Poor girl.

  Kenzie woke me up around 2am screaming bloody murder about a tiger.  I ran in there and she was holding her right arm frantically saying "tiger, tiger mommy".  I kept telling her there was no tiger and she would say over and over "get a paper towel".  I ran and got some toilet paper and she asked me to wipe it off, so I wiped her arm where she was holding it.  She rolled over and went back to sleep.  I'm guessing she had a nightmare about a tiger biting her.  Freaked me out and I was up the rest of the night!!!  Scotty brought Madison to my work to see the doctor today.  She looked so pitiful.  102 fever and coughing so much.  She tested positive for RSV and her lungs sounded junky.  We did a breathing treatment.....which she hated.  While holding her down for the doctor to look in her ears I saw all 4 top teeth have broken through.  Poor girl.  I left work and came home with her.  We snuggled in bed and took a 3 hour nap.  There is nothing better than taking a nap snuggling your baby.
We picked up Makenzie and came home and built a tent.  I worked really hard trying to get it right and the blankets held up.  She liked it for a whole 5 minutes.

Madison wants to do anything her big sister is doing.  Now that she is mobile she is able to chase her down and get her stuff.  After dinner we went outside to wait on daddy to get home.  Kenzie rode her bike and Madi and I watched.

We met the neighbors across the street.  They have a 3 year old little girl and a 2 year old little boy.  That makes 4 little girls by us that are all 3 and will get to grow up together.  I'm so excited!!

Scotty is staying home with Madison tomorrow and hopefully she will be feeling better and can go back to the sitter on Wednesday.

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