Monday, April 14, 2014

Hurt wing

I got a call from Kenzie's school today on my way home!  She started by saying "I wanted to give you the situation on Kenzie", and I knew it wasn't good!  She said she tripped and fell on her arm and wouldn't move it or let anyone touch it!  My heart sank!  I hate for my babies to be in pain, but also because I hate orthopedic issues!  I can't deal with broken bones!  They make me queasy and sick!  I rushed to get her from school!  She was sitting in a chair off to the side alone, eyes puffy from crying and holding her little arm to her side.  She started crying when she saw me and I scooped her up and we went and picked up daddy!  Ashley offered to keep Madison for us while we went which was such a relief!  I sat in the back with her and the poor thing cried with every bump and turn we made!  We went to Acute Kids to have her checked out!  She screamed bloody murder for the x-rays--it broke my heart!  I knew we needed to do them but as a mom I didn't want to make her do anything that was hurting her!  They had to do different views of her arm and everytime they turned her arm she screamed!  Thankfully there were no broken bones or fractures! The doctor really thought it was a nurse maid elbow!  We went back in the room and tried to reduce it, pop it back into place!  She really hated that.  The doctor didn't feel or hear a pop so it probably didn't do any good!  We stayed in the room and tried to get her to move her arm but she never did!  They put her in a cast splint with a sling and told us to see an orthopedic doctor!  She seemed a little better when we got home and so far is sleeping!  I'm hoping and praying and have every finger and toe crossed that she wakes up in the morning and is fine!  I hope she just sprained it or bruised it and it scared her and she is back to herself!

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