Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Tidbits

Today Makenzie had her ENT visit at Childrens Medical Center.  Scotty picked her up and brought her to my work so I could take her (he had to go back to work).  Surprisingly she didn't cry the whole way....I should have known it was too good to be true.  We got there and I decided to just carry her in and not bring the stroller.  We went in through the misting rain and found the clinic and got checked in, only to hear my very new potty training daughter say "POOP" very loudly for the whole waiting room to hear with toots to go along with it.  No big deal I though, I'll just change her......No diaper bag.  In my decision to leave the stroller in the car I left the diaper bag with it.  So back down to the car we go.  I grabbed 2 diapers and realized that her bag that she takes to the babysitters doesn't have wipes in it because Mrs Jennifer keeps the wipes at her house.  Crap (literally).  Back inside we go.  I change her in the bathroom and luckily they had a thing of wipes by the changing table in the bathroom.  It hardly could have been classified as a "poop" but I changed it. We spent a good 30 minutes in the waiting room.  She got very restless and very tired of my confining her in my lap.  My arms are sore from wrestling her. (I put a pack of wipes in my car when we got home)
Don't let this sweet face fool you.  She looked adorable but was a stinker.

 We got back in the exam room and waited another 30 minutes, but at least it was a change of scenery.  Then the rest of the "poop" she called out about made its appearance.  Now I have no diapers and was worried the whole time she would need to be changed again.  There was a big window that she liked to stand on the window sill.

 The Dr came in and was super nice.  He did a strep test and we will wait to find out the results.  He wants her to see an infectious disease doctor, she has such a scary title but I know its not really a "big deal".  If it's positive we will do a long course of antibiotics and then plan on taking her tonsils out this summer.  If it's negative we will wait until she gets it again to do the antibiotics, but bottom line it looks like the tonsils come out this summer.  Poor thing has had strep throat 8 times in her 20 months of life.  That's a lot.  All that waiting for a 10 minute exam, but at least we are established there and he is the BEST ear, nose and throat doctor in the area.  Makenzie slept the whole way home, thank goodness.
We got home and made dinner.  She tried to fight me with it and normally I wouldn't have played around, but I was so beat down from the last 3 hours--she won.  I put her "baby animals" (that's what she calls them) and put them on the table around her plate.  She would put the food on her fork and then give each animal a bite and make their sound (moo, oink, nay, bah) and then move on to the next animal until each one got a "bite" then would finally eat the bite.  Hey, whatever works! She ate her whole plate.
Makenzie loves animals right now.  She knows all the animal sounds and can pick out each animal when you ask her too.  I found this farm at a garage sale and she loves it. 
And last.....nothing sweeter than a little girl and her puppy.  She loves to give him kisses and will squeal and laugh when he "kisses" her back.

I wanted to write down a few new things Kenzie has been doing lately.  She will give us hugs now and pat our backs.  It is so cute.  There is nothing better than feeling her little arms squeezing my neck and patting my back.  When she holds her babies she will pat their backs too.  We have mastered naming all body parts (hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, cheek, chin, arms, hands, feet, legs, fingers, toes, belly, back, booty, and boobies).  She finally can throw a ball forward and has started kicking balls too (after playing with her cousins this weekend).  She has added tons of new words.  They are so random.  She pointed and said towel while I was folding towels.  She asks for her "blankie" and says "diaper" when I change her.  She points out her "booboo" and makes us kiss it, anytime she thinks about it.  She has so many other ones but I can't think of them right now.  She counts to 3 now.  I'll start with "One" and she says "toooo" and "tree"....I absolutely love her little voice.  She can get through the whole song of Patty Cake and do all the motions.  (It may be a language only mama can understand, but the motions are down perfect)  We are working on colors, and she has yellow, red, purple, and "geeeen" down.  She knows circle and triangle and we're working on some others.  She is so smart and so funny and I love spending time with her and teaching her.  I'm so lucky to be her mommy!

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