Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday Tidbits

My week is going much better than last!!!
*Monday, I came home to my foot super swollen so I spent the evening with my foot propped up and iced!!
*Tuesday, I went to see the ortho after work- I got permission to walk without crutches!! Yay! I was so nervous to put pressure on my foot, but when I got home I tried it out! Such a relief to have my hands free of crutches! I was able to cook dinner and clean up(a little--I don't want to go crazy and over do it--I'll let Scotty keep on doing the cleaning for awhile ) Scotty came home early and wrestled with Makenzie--I'm not sure who had more fun, Makenzie or Daddy!
*Wednesday, I walked all day at work! We are super slow at work this week so I was able to float between doctors as they needed someone! At lunch I was able to go and run a few errands! I'm loving being able to walk! I had an OB appt after work that was not what I was hoping(whole post on that later) and came home to spend time with my girl! We were supposed to tour a pre-school for Makenzie but Scotty had to work late! I took Makenzie out to get the mail and let her run around since I'm actually able to "keep up" with her now! She loved it! Poor thing has been confined inside for the past 3 weeks! We had leftover chicken salad for dinner and she loved it! That stinker fooled me 3 times saying "poop". We ran in there sat down an nothing happened! I'm trying to stay positive with potty training, but I'm starting to wonder if she really gets it or if its been just luck that we have caught what we have caught! She's pooped a handful of times on the potty and she does say "poop" but normally has already gone by the time we get to the potty, but pee pee has only happened when we sit there for a long time! O-well, I'll keep offering it to her and hopefully it will stick--it's still early for potty training anyways!!
*Today I woke up feeling like I had done the hardest workout ever yesterday! My calves, quads, butt and back are super sore! My poor leg was not used for 3 weeks and was wore out this morning!

Poor Mimi--I don't think she is going to get to be called Mimi. For the past few days I have figured out she is calling her "Baba"(long A sound). When we FaceTime her and she hears the ringing she runs over and says "Baba" and when we go through saying names, she says "Baba". She definitely associates Baba with Mimi! I told my mom that name may stick! She thinks its cute that she has come up with her own name for her, but we'll see! My brother grew up, and still, calls me DeeDee because he couldn't say Jennifer(not sure where DeeDee came from)

My foot swollen after wok

Makenzie's first pony tail

Love those blue eyes

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