Monday, July 7, 2014

Madison is 5 months

 I can't believe this sweet girl is 5 months old already.  Time needs to slow down.  I think it is going by even faster with her.  Probably because we are so busy all the time that the days just fly by.  Madison is such a sweet baby.  She is so easy going and just goes with the flow.  She rarely cries and if she does we know she is either hungry, sleepy or has a dirty diaper.
She is drinking 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours.  I think she is teething which has caused her to become a little finicky with her bottles.  When she is finished and doesn't want any more, she definitely lets you know.  She will push it aside with her tongue, or purse her lips and blow spit bubbles at you.
 She is going to bed about 8:00 every night and sleeps all night until about 6.  On rare occasions I wake her up at 6:30 to leave in the mornings.  On the weekends I will feed her and then snuggle her in my bed afterwards and sometimes will get another hour or two of sleep before big sister gets us up.  She has to fall asleep with her paci in her mouth and she likes her head buried in blankets that Bebe makes her.  Sometimes she will wake up and cry for her paci but we have stopped going in there and giving it to her and she has started to sooth herself back to sleep.
Madi is wearing a size 2 diaper and is in 3-6m clothes.  I think she is right on track for her weight and length.  I have tried shoes on her a few times but they don't stay on so I give up.  She always has a big bow on and for the most part doesn't mind them.  Sometimes I find them pulled down over her eyes or around her neck.

We still call her Madi Goose thanks to her big sister.  She gave her that nickname a few months ago and it has stuck.  She's Goose, The Goose, Madi Goose, Goosey, or Goosey Goo.   Sometimes she gets called Madison or Madi---lol
She has mastered sitting up this month.  I won't leave her alone sitting up because she is still wobbly, but is getting very good at it.  She rolls over from her tummy to her back and her back to her tummy.  She is trying so hard to get her knees underneath her when she is on her tummy but just can't get it yet.  I'm pretty sure her bottom teeth are coming in.  She has found her toes and loves to put them in her mouth or if she is in her bumbo seat she will stare down at them contemplating how to get get them in her mouth.  She constantly has her hands in her mouth and you would be amazed at the amount of drool this baby produces.  She had a low grade fever last night and was fussy, which is not like her at all.  I wouldn't be surprised to find a little tooth poke through any day!!

We love our Madi Goose so much.  She is just a blessing to our family.  It's hard to imagine life without her.  She adores her big sister and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual, except when she drools on her.  She will frown and frantically wipe it off and say she "dripped on her".   I love seeing her personality come out more and more everyday.

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