Sunday, February 3, 2013

Got my computer ba-ack!!!

I'm back on the big screen....finally!!!  Big changes coming to the blog this week!!  I'm having it designed and can't wait to see!!!

 We had a super busy, but fun weekend.  Saturday morning we picked up Laura and Bella and drove to Grapevine to have Valentines Day pictures done.  Makenzie wasn't feeling it.....not one smile.  She was either frowning, crying, or just looking at Tamera, our photographer, with a blank expression. It was awful.  Afterwards, we came home to take a nap, but a certain someone wouldn't sleep so I got her and we layed in my bed and watched cartoons.

 That afternoon we went to Miss Emma's 2nd birthday. Makenzie went crazy over all the balloons they had there, and destroyed her playroom.  It was a fun birthday party.  Can't wait to get those 2 girls together for playdates.

 We met daddy for dinner at Edohana after he got off work.  We actually got to enjoy our meal and she stayed in your highchair semi content.  Woohoo!!  This morning we got to sleep until 9--score!! We went to Rileigh's birthday party, she turned 5.  It was at an indoor pool, but we didn't swim.  Scotty and I chased her around like crazy.  She made us a nervous wreck around that pool.  After that, I took Makenzie to Aunt Kories house to play and watch the superbowl (daddy went to one of his friends house from work).  She had a blast and came home and passed out.  She had a long, busy weekend. 

Tomorrow, I'm waking up early to head to walmart and get groceries for the week.  I start my diet tomorrow.  No cheating, no quiting this time.  Real deal holyfield.  Scotty and I have booked a trip to MEXICO for May.  I am so freaking excited.  So for the next 3 months--I WILL LOSE WEIGHT.  I need to for many reasons.  1.) to be healthy, 2.) to have another baby, 3.) MEXICO=swimsuit, and I am nowhere ready to wear a swimsuit.  I'll keep ya posted on how I'm doing.  Wish me luck.

Since I can finally add pictures from my camera, I wanted to add some that I had previously posted from my phone. These are better pictures.

Love these pictures of Makenzie!!!
This is her hoarding things under her chin when she runs out of hands to hold things.  Its so funny, and she does this with everything!11

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