Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday Funday

Another great weekend has come and gone!  They seem to just fly by!  Let me start with Friday.  Mimi came over to spend the night, and we had so much fun playing.  I have never laughed so hard at Makenzie.  We started by getting out her wagon I just got her, and went for a little walk while we were waiting on Mimi.

I had to keep getting on to her for standing up, and this is her "shocked" expression I get when when she gets in trouble.  Kirbydog kept running off, so in the wagon with Kenzie he went.  She thought that was the funniest thing ever.  When Mimi came, we ran to get some dinner and brought it back to eat at home.  And then, she went crazy.  Mimi brought her a bracelet (used to belong to my granny) and she would put it on her head and then shake her head and laugh until it fell off.  It was so funny.  Then, she found a book that plays music and would press the button and then spin around in circles.  Not just spin around, more like swing her head around and her body would follow.  She was making herself dizzy and could hardly stand up.  We were laughing so hard.  She stayed awake until almost 10 so she could see her daddy when he got home from work.  I love nights like these where we make such sweet memories together.

Saturday, we TRIED to run some errands.  Makenzie wasn't feeling it.  I'm thinking maybe she was still tired from staying up so late the night before.  Target got to see a little temper tantrum, then we pressed our luck and went to Hobby Lobby--they got to see a massive temper tantrum.  It was awful.  We decided it was time to head home.  Makenzie and Mimi played while I packed her bag for the night.  She was going back with her and spending the night and coming back on Sunday in time for Dallas' birthday party.  Scotty and I were planning on going to dinner and then meeting up with some friends afterwards. 

One of her many expressions.  Love this!!!

Scotty talking football with the guys

Angela and I

After they left, I cleaned out Makenzie's closet.  She has WAY to many clothes.  I have been keeping everything, like 14 totes worth--I know.....I'm a hoarder.  But, I have been talked into consigning most of them at the next consignment sale.  Korie and Shannon finally made me see that even if I have another girl I'm still going to want to shop and buy "new" things for the baby.  I went down to Kories' house to hang out and help get things ready for the birthday party and ended up going to eat with them and Scotty met us up there at was yummy.  Afterwards, we went to our friend Angela's house.  We were celebrating Jennifer's birthday--and we definitely celebrated!!  This morning was pretty rough. Mimi brought Makenzie back home about 1:30 and we loaded up to go to the park for the birthday party.  They had a bounce house and Makenzie loved it.  She bounced and bounced.  (she dosn't know it yet, but she's getting a trampoline for her birthday).  Everything was super cute and we had a great time.  It was soooo windy.  Makenzie got a little restless at the end, and just wanted to run around.  Scotty and I just followed behind her.  I finally convinced her to get in the bounce house with me.  I would hold her and jump, and she would just squeal.  She loved it.  We ended up sitting down in a corner watching everyone jump, and she fell asleep on my shoulder, so we decided to head home. 


She was so pooped when we got home. She just wanted her blanket and to cuddle her mommy.  Love sweet momements like this.

Mimi sent me some really sweet pictures of Makenzie helping Papa build a flower box. It reminds me of pictures of me helping my daddy build things.  One of my favorite things to do growing up was help him build things.  I love these sweet pictures of them.

 Mimi said she help hold the drill, and would bend down and look up at Papa to see his face, and smile.  I'm sure they both loved this special time of just the two of them. 

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